2024 Undescended Testis Surgery Costs

İnmemiş Testis Ameliyatı Fiyatları 2023

Undescended Testis (Cryptorchidism) is one of the most common congenital anomalies, affecting approximately 1-4% of newborn boys. It is more common in premature babies and this rate can be up to 40%. In male babies, the testicles are located in the abdomen and in the 7th month of pregnancy, the testicles descend from the inguinal canal to the scrotal sac. Any abnormality that affects the normal descent of the testicle leads to cryptorchidism.

In the majority of babies with cryptorchidism, spontaneous descent into the scrotal sac begins to occur in the first few months after birth. If the testicles have not descended by the 6th month after birth, timely intervention is required to prevent continued damage to the testicles. It is important to undergo appropriate evaluation to diagnose the problem, determine the location and condition of undescended testicles, and look for other associated abnormalities.

Undescended testicle surgery prices vary from city to city. Health services provided in your city and experienced doctors are among the factors that affect the price. If you would like to get information about undescended testicle surgery prices, it will be sufficient to make an appointment with the relevant doctor at the nearest hospital.

The cause of undescended testicle discomfort is still not fully known. Although hormonal exposure is one of the accused risk factors, other environmental and genetic factors are also considered as risk factors that may affect the development and descent of the testicles.

How to Detect Undescended Testicles?

The most basic criterion for the diagnosis of undescended testicle is the presence of an empty scrotal sac and the inability to palpate the testicles in the scrotal sac (inability to feel it with the hand). Generally, Cryptorchidism is diagnosed soon after birth. If your baby is examined regularly and the testicle does not descend into the scrotum within three months, there is a very high chance that the problem will not correct itself and surgery may be required.

Since starting undescended testicle treatment from six months is an important criterion that affects the child’s future fertility, treatment should start from this month. Men with undescended testicles have an increased risk of testicular cancer, and one of the other important reasons for treatment is to reduce the risk of cancer in the testicle.

What is the Cryptorchidism Treatment Process?

Undescended testicle surgeries vary depending on the location of the testicle. If the testicles are not palpable in the scrotal sac or the canal between the abdominal wall and the scrotal sac, known as the inguinal canal, other points outside their normal path are checked. If they cannot be detected by examination in those areas, it can be assumed that they are in the abdomen and diagnostic laparoscopy surgery is performed to search for the testicles in the abdomen.

Laparoscopy application: Diagnostic Laparoscopy is a procedure performed to search for points in the abdomen where undescended testicles can be found. If the testicle cannot be palpated even after the patient is given general anesthesia, diagnostic laparoscopy is performed. A laparoscopic port is inserted through a small incision in the abdominal area and the abdomen is filled with carbon dioxide gas. A laparoscopy procedure is then performed to investigate the abdominal cavity. If necessary, more than one additional laparoscopic port or laparoscopic equipment should be placed. If an intra-abdominal testicle is seen, one-stage or two-stage orchiopexy is performed, and sometimes it may be necessary to perform orchiectomy and remove the testicle. During the one-stage surgery, an incision is made in the scrotal sac to accommodate the testicle, creating a region called the subdartos pouch, and the testicle is placed in that area to prevent it from falling back. If two-stage orchidopexy is necessary, the testicular vessels are separated proximal to the testicle to allow the development of collateral vessels. The second phase implementation will be carried out within 6 to 12 months. A groin incision may be required to remove the undescended testicle. The wounds are then closed with stitches that the body can absorb.
Orchiectomy application: Orchiectomy should be performed in the post-pubertal period in patients with atrophic (underdeveloped) or abnormal testicles or in patients with contralateral testicles.
Inguinal orchiopexy application: This is the classical method used to treat undescended testicles that can be examined manually. A small incision is made over the groin area and entry is made into the inguinal canal. The testicle is carefully mobilized together with the sperm duct called ductus deferens and testicular vessels. Any associated inguinal hernia elements are carefully dissected and closed. The testicle is then transferred to the subdartos bag, which is created through another small scrotal incision, thus preventing it from escaping back up. The wounds are closed with absorbable stitches and scars are prevented.

Undescended testicle surgery prices are determined according to the procedure appropriate to the diagnosis, taking into account the patient’s condition. The doctor’s expertise and experience also affect Undescended testicle surgery prices. The quality of the health service provided by the hospital you are in is another factor in this regard. doctor

It is important to have the patient operated on, taking into consideration the patient’s experience. If you would like to get information about undescended testicle surgery prices, it will be sufficient to make an appointment with the relevant doctor at the nearest hospital.

Undescended Testicular Surgery Prices Izmir

Undescended testicle surgery prices have many alternatives in the Izmir region. Izmir, a developed city in terms of health tourism, hosts many high-level hospitals. We can divide it into three branches: private hospitals, state hospitals and university hospitals. Undescended testicle surgery can be performed for a certain fee in private hospitals or free of charge in public hospitals.

University and training and research hospitals can have experienced and expert physicians and a team that can perform this surgery. To get more detailed information about undescended testicle surgery prices, it is recommended that you make an appointment with the relevant physician at the nearest hospital. You will be offered the best price for the procedure to be performed in accordance with the doctor’s recommendation.

Does the State Hospital Cover Undescended Testicular Surgery?

The success rate of surgery performed by surgeons has increased significantly in recent years. New developments in the medical world and the achievements of doctors also take surgical operations one step forward.

Undescended testicle surgery does not harm children in any way, on the contrary, it is one of the treatment methods used to eliminate the problems they may experience in the future. You can get clearer information by making an appointment with the doctor at the hospital in your region, based on the question “Does the public hospital cover the prices of undescended testicle surgery?”

Undescended Testicular Surgery Prices in a Private Hospital?

Today, there are almost no surgical methods that private hospitals cannot perform with advanced equipment and expert surgeons. Considering the benefits that this diversity offers to the patient, economically well-off patients may choose to choose private hospitals. You can get detailed information about Undescended Testicular Surgery Prices in a Private Hospital by making an appointment with the relevant surgeon at the hospital you choose.