Izmir Prostate Botox Injection
Prostate enlargement is a health problem that seriously affects the urinary tract in men and, in some cases, can make it impossible to even leave the house due to its effects on life comfort. Apart from prostate cancer surgery, new generation techniques can be used in the treatment of benign prostate enlargements.
One of these is the prostate botox injection method. The stabilizing component applied to the prostate with this method is considered an effective method to both restrict growth and prevent the prostate from blocking the urinary tract.
In addition to the generally used methods for the treatment of prostate enlargement, prostate botox injection method can be used. This method can also be preferred as an option before surgical intervention. The fact that it has no side effects and is easily applicable increases the frequency of its preference over surgery to some extent.
Prostate botox injection is the application of injection through a needle inserted through a tool into the area where bladder control is performed, using local anesthetics.
Botox, which is injected directly into the prostate tissue, begins to show its effectiveness within a few days. It is expected that the patient’s urination frequency will decrease and the feeling of restlessness will disappear after the injection. Although the duration of this effect is not clear, it may last up to 12 months.
Prostate botox injection performed by urologists does not eliminate the need for regular monitoring of the disease. You should be checked by your doctor at specified periods and be under regular follow-up. It is of great importance to continue doctor’s check-ups after this process.
Izmir What is Prostate Botox Injection?
Botox treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia appears as a treatment method depending on the size of the prostate and the general health condition of the patient. Prostate botox injection treatment is applied to eliminate this problem.
It also shows successful results in patients with urination difficulties due to prostate enlargement. When applied into the tissue, Botox reduces muscle tone and causes controlled cell death in the cells. Thus, the pressure on the urinary tract is reduced.
Botox eliminates the neural transmission that causes contraction in the muscle. Botox may not give the same results for every person. Because each person’s genetic structure has different characteristics. Therefore, careful diagnosis and diagnosis are at an important point.
How is Izmir Prostate Botox Injection Done?
Botox injection into the prostate is a treatment method that is easy for the patient to apply. The procedure is performed with local anesthesia.
After investigating the prostate size and condition of the prostate, treatment is started. After suitable patients are laid down and the anal area is numbed by applying anesthetic gel, the procedure is performed. Then, the prepared mixture is injected into the area of the prostate close to the urinary tract with a thin needle.
Prostate botox injection treatment is applied to eliminate this problem. It also shows successful results in patients with urination difficulties due to prostate enlargement.
When applied into the tissue, Botox reduces muscle tone and causes controlled cell death in the cells. Thus, the pressure on the urinary tract is reduced. Botox eliminates the neural transmission that causes contraction in the muscle.
Why is Prostate Injection Done?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as prostate enlargement, is treated with prostate injection. It is a condition in which the prostate gland becomes enlarged, causing symptoms such as frequent urination, weak urine flow, and difficulty urinating. Prostate injections are used to reduce the size of the prostate by injecting a medication that relaxes the smooth muscle tissue of the prostate gland, causing the urethra to open and improving urine flow.
Surgery is more invasive than this procedure and has less chance of complications. For men with moderate to severe symptoms who have failed to try lifestyle changes and medications, prostate injections may be an option. Additionally, it is considered a quick recovery alternative to surgery that is less invasive.
What You Need to Know About Prostate Botox Injection
- Many studies have shown that men experience symptoms of prostate enlargement throughout their life, especially after age 50.
- It is one of the diseases that urologists work on the most because it can cause serious discomfort to the patient’s quality of life.
- In addition to drug treatments for prostate enlargement, various herbal treatments, also called phytotherapy, are applied without a prescription, but these treatments are far from being supported by quality scientific publications.
- Botox administration has also been injected into the prostate as a minimally invasive technique, but the results were not very successful. It is not currently recommended for prostate enlargement in the European Urology Association guideline, and can only be considered as an experimental treatment.
- Botox treatment has been used frequently and successfully in the treatment of urinary incontinence in the field of Urology in recent years, and recently it has started to be applied in some centers in patients with erection problems, supported by scientific studies, but more quality studies are needed.
- Botox produces temporary solutions to the patient’s problems by stopping the release of a substance called acetylcholine in the nerve endings. Its basic mechanism is muscle relaxation. It prevents frequent urination and urinary incontinence for a certain period of time.
- Although Botox is widely used for cosmetic reasons throughout the world, it can also be applied to some neurological diseases. It is a form of toxin that is injected directly into a person’s muscle.
- The effect of Botox lasts for 3 to 6 months after application. The first effects begin to be felt in the 1st and 2nd weeks.
- The name of the injected toxin is botulinum. This toxin, injected into the muscle, begins to affect the muscle tissue within 24 to 72 hours.
- Prostate botox is not permanent. The complaints return after the effect of the drug expires. You can find and apply permanent treatment methods by consulting your physicians.
How Much Are Botox Injection Prices for Prostate Diseases in Izmir?
Botox injection prices for prostate diseases vary in Izmir. Therefore, it would not be right for us to give a clear price.
You can contact us to get detailed information about prostate botox injection treatment prices in Izmir.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Get an Injection for Prostate Treatment?
In this treatment method, drug is injected into both prostate lobes by entering the prostate gland with a thin needle from the anus or the perineum area between the legs, under the guidance of transrectal ultrasound performed from the anus. It is a treatment that is usually applied in 3-4 sessions. In this way, high success is achieved in chronic prostatitis cases that have not received adequate response to medical treatment. It is generally a highly successful method and is frequently preferred by patients.