Izmir Bladder Tumor Surgery
In people with suspicion of bladder cancer, the first step is to look at the bladder with a closed camera, called cystoscopy, if necessary. If a tumor is seen during cystoscopy, endoscopic (closed method) diagnosis and treatment begins.
Tissues suspicious for cancer are removed and sent for pathological examination. Endoscopy; It is a term used for devices that use cameras and can show the inside of the body, and their role in this surgery is great.
The surgeon may choose to anesthetize your body with regional anesthesia below your waist or general anesthesia before the surgery, but the opinion of the anesthesiologist and the suitability of the patient are important in this choice. Since the surgeon uses the urinary tract during the surgery, there are no incisions or cosmetic defects in the patient’s body and abdominal area.
In this procedure, the surgeon can use different energy techniques to remove the tissues, transmit a small wire ring into the bladder, heat this ring with electricity and cut the tumors on the surface, or use high-energy lasers.
Chemotherapy may be applied to the bladder once to destroy remaining cancer cells. This medicine stays in your bladder for about 1 hour and is emptied after it takes effect.
The time it takes for the patient to return to his normal life after this surgery is extremely short. However, if there is any damage caused by post-operative surgical interventions, all of these situations are reported to the patient by the doctor.
In order to speed up the healing process, it is important that you follow the instructions and guidelines your doctor gives you as much as you can.
There is no need to prepare months before the surgery. However, it is important to contact your doctor. This surgery performed at an early stage can save you from a larger surgery and discomfort.
Can Bladder Cancer Be Cured Completely?
Like all cancers, bladder cancer can be difficult to completely eliminate. The stage, grade and type of cancer at diagnosis and the patient’s general health play a role in how well treatment goes.
Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy are possible treatments for bladder cancer.
Early diagnosis of bladder cancer increases the likelihood of full recovery. In the early stages of bladder cancer, the main treatment is surgery. Rather than completely curing cancer in later stages, the goal of treatment may be to control the growth of the disease and reduce symptoms.
Even after successful treatment, regular follow-up care is crucial to check for recurrence and new tumors. The best course of treatment for your unique situation should be discussed with your oncologist.
What are the Prices of Bladder Tumor Surgery in Izmir?
The bladder is an empty organ and its function is to store the urine produced by the kidneys and to ensure its excretion through the urinary tract when it reaches a certain capacity. The inner surface of the bladder is covered with a layer called urothelium, and most bladder cancers occur due to these cells.
After the diagnosis of the disease is made, the tumor is cleaned and removed from the area with an endoscopic procedure called TUR-MT, which is advanced through the penis.
If you want to get information about the prices of endoscopic bladder tumor surgery for bladder cancer in Izmir, you can consult our doctor who is an expert in his field.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many Hours Does Bladder Tumor Surgery Take?
How is Bladder Tumor Surgery Performed?
It is a very important and serious type of surgery. The main purpose is to reach the tumor in the bladder and destroy it. A thin wire is entered through the urinary tract and thus the bladder is reached. The tumor tissues in the bladder are cut and cleaned. Then, the cut tumor tissues are removed from the body. It is necessary to send these tissues to pathology. At the end of the surgery, the patient will not be able to use the bladder for a certain period of time.
Is Bladder Cancer a Dangerous Disease?
Kulu, A. (2010). Evaluation of the quality of life after surgical interventions in patients with bladder tumors (Master’s thesis, Trakya University Institute of Health Sciences).