2024 Kidney Stone Surgery Costs

Böbrek Taşı Ameliyatı Fiyatları 2023

Kidney stones are a serious health problem that can deteriorate a person’s quality of life and kidney functions over time. Frequency of occurrence; Although it varies depending on race, diet, genetic factors and living environment, figures are stated to be between 1-20%. Stones that can settle in our kidneys for various reasons can seriously disrupt the person’s comfort of life by causing pain. It is worth noting that your lifestyle, eating habits and even your genetic structure are also important factors in this disease.

Although there are many factors involved in its formation, the exact cause is not fully known, but we can say that genetic predisposition is the most important risk factor in the formation of these stones. First-degree relatives of people suffering from kidney stones have stone disease at rates ranging from 10 to 40 percent. Apart from these, this disorder, which is more common in regions with hot climates, has shown that geographical factors are also effective.

Another factor is eating habits. Consuming excessive amounts of protein and salt and following a diet low in fiber increases the risk of stone disease. At the same time, as the amount of water consumed daily decreases, the risk of kidney stones increases by the same amount.

Metabolic diseases such as hyperparathyroidism, gout, urinary tract infections, some previous intestinal surgeries and long-term use of some medications are important factors that cause kidney stone disease.

Although men are three times more at risk than women as a gender factor, the disease is seen at the same rate in both genders in childhood.

Izmir kidney stone surgery prices 2023, the region where the stone is located, its size, which surgery method will be used, how many sessions will be used to break the stone with extracorporeal shock waves, and the doctor’s experience in this field affect the kidney stone surgery 2023 prices. Since the probability of spontaneous passage of stones of 5 mm and above is very low, surgery may be necessary.

What are the Izmir Kidney Stone Surgery Methods?

Most kidney stones tend to pass. The first treatment method for stones that tend to pass is monitoring. The rate of stone passing depends on its size; stones under 4 mm have an 80 percent chance of falling, while stones over 5 mm have a lower probability of falling. The methods that affect kidney stone surgery prices in 2023 are as follows;

Stone breaking with sound waves sent from outside the body (ESWL): As in all treatment methods, in this treatment method, the size, shape, type and location of the stone play an important role in the treatment; It can generally be applied to stones up to 2 centimeters in appropriate location in the patient’s kidney, and to stones smaller than 1 cm in upper urinary tract stones. There is no need for anesthesia during the procedure and it is the first choice of patients. The disadvantages of this treatment method are; The broken stone is broken into small pieces and must be excreted from the body through urine. During this process, the patient may feel pain and sometimes broken stone pieces may accumulate in the lower urinary tract. More than one session may be required to break the stone. However, if the stone does not break in three sessions, another treatment method should be considered without further testing.
Open Kidney Stone Surgery: It has become a very rarely applied treatment method due to the discovery and widespread use of other treatment methods. However, it can still be preferred in extremely large and complicated stones that affect the entire collecting system of the kidney.
Endoscopic ureteral stone surgeries (URS): It is among the first choice and performed in the treatment of stones that have left the kidney and entered the channel called ureter. Under general anesthesia, the stone is reached through the urinary tract without any cutting, and the stone is broken or removed with a laser. Most patients can be discharged on the same day after surgery and return to their normal lives the day after.
Laparoscopic surgeries: It is a type of closed surgery performed with laparoscopic equipment by making 10 mm incisions in the waist area. Since body tissue integrity is not disrupted compared to open surgery, the patient experiences less pain and can return to daily life one day after the surgery, but today, due to the rapid development of endoscopic surgeries, it has become rarely needed.
Closed kidney stone surgeries (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy): It is performed especially in the treatment of stones in the kidney that are too large to undergo ESWL or stones that cannot be broken with ESWL. After X-ray control and general anesthesia, a thin tube open at both ends is inserted into the kidney through a 1 cm incision made in the back area at the kidney level. Stones are removed thanks to special equipment placed through this tube. In this method, where the recovery process is faster, the patient has a much more comfortable postoperative period than after open surgery. The majority of patients recover within a day or two after surgery.

He is discharged within days.

Does the State Hospital Cover Kidney Stone Surgery?

Kidney stone surgeries are performed in state hospitals and training and research hospitals affiliated with universities. However, whatever surgery option the equipment in the hospital allows, that surgery option is applied. The experience of the doctor at the hospital will also be effective in choosing the method. To get more detailed information, it is recommended that you make an appointment to the relevant department via MHRS.

Does SSI Cover Kidney Stone Surgery?

SSI’s coverage for kidney stone surgeries may vary depending on the type of hospital where the surgery will be performed. In general, private hospitals may charge additional fees in certain cases. Therefore, patients should directly contact the relevant hospital to get detailed information before surgery.

It is of great importance for patients to obtain precise and clear information on this subject before planning surgery. This is a critical step to avoid unexpected financial liabilities. At the same time, being informed about SSI’s current policies and excluded services enables you to make the best use of health services. In summary, SSI’s policy to cover kidney stone surgeries varies depending on the type of hospital. Therefore, it would be best to contact the relevant hospital before planning any surgery.

How Do Private Hospital Prices Vary?

Kidney stone surgery prices in private hospitals vary depending on various factors. First, the size and location of the stone determine the complexity and duration of the surgery. This can directly impact the cost. Additionally, the effect of the patient’s general health condition and age on the surgery cannot be ignored. While the surgery process may proceed faster and smoothly in a healthy individual, existing health problems may increase the difficulty of the surgery.

The method of surgery and the number of sessions have a direct impact on the cost.
The type and condition of anesthesia can significantly change the cost of the operation.
The technical infrastructure and facilities offered by the center where the surgery is performed are the determining factors in pricing.

In addition, the price policy determined by each hospital and the fees that vary depending on the type of operation affect the cost of kidney stone surgery. The location of the hospital may also lead to price differences depending on regional economic conditions. Factors such as the timing of the surgery and the time spent in the hospital can also increase the cost. To summarize, kidney stone surgery prices in private hospitals depend on many variables and patients are advised to take these factors into consideration during the planning stage.

Kidney Stone Surgery Prices in Private Hospital in 2024?

The developing health sector continues to provide a cure for all treatable diseases. There is diversity in kidney stone surgery in private hospitals, thanks to advanced equipment and experienced specialist doctors. You need to make an appointment for kidney stone surgery in a private hospital and meet with your doctor. The method you choose, the location of the stone and the size of the stone will affect the price. At the same time, if you have private health insurance, this will also affect the price you pay.

