Izmir Vasectomy

İzmir Vazektomi

Izmir Vasectomy

Sperm ducts, called vas deferens, are very thin, tube-shaped structures with a cavity inside that carry the sperm in the testicles. In men who do not want children, a birth control method can be provided by ligating the sperm ducts (vasectomy).

There are some known misconceptions about vasectomy. During vasectomy, male sexual functions are not affected at all and patients do not experience erection problems. There are also people who think that there will be dry ejaculation after vasectomy, but this is also wrong information.

There are not only sperm in the semen, in fact sperm constitute a very small part of the semen. The main components that make up the semen are the fluids that come from the male glands such as the seminal vesicle and prostate, and since these are not intervened, the person still ejaculates, but there is no sperm in it.

After the surgery, some pain and swelling due to bleeding may occur. There may be a possibility of sperm being seen in the semen in case the vas deferens ends connected in the long term re-unite. Therefore, it is useful to check whether there is sperm in the semen by checking the spermogram from time to time.

How is a vasectomy performed?

Treatment Details
Procedure:It is the process of connecting sperm channels. It can be done with or without stitches on the skin.
Duration:30 Minutes
Length of Hospital Stay:Discharged on the same day
Healing Time:1-2 Days
Return to Work (School):2-3 Days
Scars:It varies depending on the type of operation performed, but the ideal method is the one performed without stitches. Stitch marks on the scrotal sac are not very visible.
Pain Duration:1-2 Days

The surgery can be performed by making a classical incision, or it can be performed without a scalpel or scalpel, also called no scalping. The advantage of the second method is that the procedure takes less time, is performed under local anesthesia, causes less pain, and most importantly, no stitches are required.

In no-scalpel vasectomy, the scrotal skin and sperm ducts are first anesthetized with local anesthesia. Then, the vas deferens on both sides are located and tied, thus preventing sperm flow.

In some places, it ranks first in the most frequently performed transactions. Vasectomy in Izmir; It can be performed with sedation, spinal anesthesia or general anesthesia, but considering the procedure time and effectiveness, in daily practice it is usually performed using local anesthesia.

The type and form of general anesthesia to be used are determined by the surgeon after ensuring all controls. After the surgeon decides on the entire process, he moves on to the implementation phase of the necessary procedures.

It is a process that takes about half an hour. Since no stitches are required, the patient can return home after the procedure and return to daily life after resting for a day or two. The seed channels are entered through the hole opened here. In this way, the seed channels reached are tied and cut and the process is completed.

Can Pregnancy Occur After Vasectomy?

Although it is considered a very effective birth control method, the chances of having children after a vasectomy are very low. This is so that after the procedure some sperm will remain in the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles, and fertilize an egg before the sperm count drops to zero.

The vas deferens may also reconnect after the procedure, resulting in pregnancy, but this is a remote possibility. It is recommended that men use an alternative birth control method for the first three months following vasectomy. After this, they need to have a semen test to make sure their sperm count is zero.

Does vasectomy reduce sexual desire?

Vasectomy surgery is the most reliable surgical birth control method used by men who do not want to have children. Before choosing this method, one must be sure whether the patient wants it or not. Because after vasectomy surgery, the person will not be able to have children again. Vasectomy reversal is possible, but it must be done by an experienced surgeon and you will need to have surgery again. Even in operations performed by experienced surgeons, pregnancy rates are around 50-60%.

Vasectomy does not affect sexual life. It does not reduce sexual desire because it does not affect the production of testosterone, the male hormone. It also does not affect the ability to have an erection or ejaculate. There will not only be sperm in the semen, but since sperm constitute a small amount in the semen, no difference will be felt in the amount of ejaculated semen.

How Much Are Vasectomy Prices in Izmir?

Vasectomy prices in Izmir vary depending on the type and type of general anesthesia to be used and the specialty of the doctor.

You can contact us to get detailed information about vasectomy prices in Izmir.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Vasectomy Affect Sexual Life?

Does Vasectomy Reduce Pleasure?

Who Can Get Vasectomy?

According to the laws in Turkey, the vasectomy method can be easily performed on single men after the age of 18 with their own consent. However, it is forbidden for married couples to perform this procedure without the consent of their spouses. People must be informed in detail before this procedure. At the end of this procedure, children can be born again. If they want to have it, they need to undergo complicated surgical interventions. Although the ducts are reconnected after vasectomy, the chance of success is 50%.

What Happens After Vasectomy?



ÇORAK, G., ÖZSOY, S. A., VURAL, A. G. D. B. K., & TUNCAY, B. (2008). Examining the opinions of men who had vasectomy regarding the method. Journal of Social Policy Studies, 15(15), 43-54.