Izmir Varicocele Surgery

Varikosel Ameliyatı

Izmir Varicocele Surgery

Varicocele is a name given to the excessive dilatation of the veins responsible for sending dirty blood from the testicle and the resulting reflux in the blood circulation. Varicocele is a type of disorder that has a high potential for progressive testicular damage.

In the diagnosis of varicocele; While many methods such as physical examination, scrotal Doppler ultrasonography, venography, thermography, scintigraphy and magnetic resonance can be used, the diagnosis is usually made by physical examination and normally no additional imaging method is required.

However, since the presence of varicocele must be demonstrated radiologically, all tests must be performed. When the disease is diagnosed correctly, treatment becomes easier to apply.

How is Varicocele Surgery Performed?

Treatment Details
Operation:Varicocele Surgery
Procedure:Varicose veins are tied off by making a small incision in the groin area.
Duration:1 Hour
Length of Hospital stay:1 Day or Discharged on the same day
Anesthesia:Spinal anesthesia
Healing Time:1-2 Days
Return to Work (School):7-10 Days
Pain Duration:24-48 Hours

Varicocele surgery can be described as making a 2-3 cm long incision in the groin area and connecting and canceling the enlarged and balled veins that reach the testicular veins through this incision. The surgeon decides the area where the incision will be made.

Varicocele surgery can be unilateral or bilateral. Local or general anesthesia can be applied. During the surgery, the veins leading to the testicle are exposed and the veins that have expanded and lost their properties are tied and rendered unusable.

Performing this surgery using a microscopic method increases the chance of surgical success and reduces the possibility of possible complications. However, the operation time is approximately 1 hour if there are no complications other than expected.

Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that it is a very short and risk-free surgery. However, although rare, there are also risks such as infection, bleeding or recurrence of the disease.

Additionally, after this surgery, a small amount of water accumulation (hydrocele) may develop in the testicles, and if a hydrocele develops, the fluid may need to be removed surgically. Rarely, hardness may be observed at the incision site, but this hardness disappears over time.

The patient is usually discharged on the same day. He can even return to daily life on the same day, but he is asked to take a break from sexual life and intense exercises after the surgery for 3 to 6 weeks, in accordance with the doctor’s advice.

Pain that may occur after surgery can be alleviated by using over-the-counter painkillers recommended by your doctor or by keeping your testicles elevated by wearing tight underwear. It is important to establish healthy communication with the doctor before and after the procedure.

What You Need to Know About Varicocele Surgery

  • Varicocele is the name given to the impairment of blood flow in the veins of the testicle and the clotting of the veins. It can be seen in both testicles, but unilateral ones are mostly seen on the left side.
  • Varicocele may cause an increase in temperature in the testicles, the emergence of some waste substances that are harmful to the sperm, and thus disrupt the sperm count and functions, resulting in the failure to have children. Male origin is one of the main reasons for not having children.
  • The diagnosis of varicocele must be made by a Urologist, the diagnosed man must undergo a sperm test, and surgery can be indicated based on both the test result and the physical examination result.
  • Varicocele surgery is the removal of varicose veins in the male reproductive area, called varicocelectomy. The purpose of this surgery is to eliminate abnormal vessels around the testicle that cause improper blood circulation and cause testicular failure.
  • Varicocele is not life-threatening but can sometimes cause low sperm count. These need to be diagnosed and treated quickly. It seriously damages men’s fertility.
  • Varicocele can sometimes cause pain in the testicles and groin area.
  • In Izmir baricocele surgery, a 34 cm incision is made in the groin area and after the sperm duct and vascular package are exposed, varicose veins are ligated and removed. Performing this method microscopically increases the success rate.
  • Previously, surgeries could be performed through incisions made in the scrotal sac or higher up in the groin area, but due to lower success rates, today the gold standard is the operation performed through an incision made at the lower levels of the groin area.
  • The operation takes around 30 to 45 minutes.
  • A sperm count test, called spermogram, is usually performed in the third month after the surgery to check the number and motility of sperm.
  • After varicocele surgery, some complications may include pain in the testicles, accumulation of water around the testicles (hydrocele), and a separate operation may be required for hydrocele. Additionally, there is a slight risk of recurrence after varicocele surgery.

Is There an Age Limit for Varicocele Surgery?

In most cases, there is no upper age limit for varicocele surgery. The procedure is typically recommended for men experiencing varicocele-related symptoms, such as pain or infertility, which can occur at any age. However, this may not be recommended for older men who have other health problems that would make surgery riskier.

Additionally, surgery may not be necessary if an older man has a varicocele that does not cause any symptoms. Varicocele surgery should ultimately be decided on a case-by-case basis in consultation with a licensed healthcare professional.

What are the Prices of Varicocele Surgery in Izmir?

In the diagnosis of varicocele; Since many methods such as physical examination, scrotal Doppler ultrasonography, venography, thermography, scintigraphy and magnetic resonance can be used, it would not be correct to give an exact price for varicocele surgery in Izmir.

If you want to get information about varicocele surgery prices in Izmir, you can contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”Is Varicocele Surgery Difficult?” answer-0=”Microsurgical varicocele surgery is a type of surgery that is technically difficult but comfortable in terms of recovery. Since this surgery is performed through a 2 or 3 cm incision in the groin area, there is no expectation of post-operative pain. However, an increase in the level of difficulty may be observed in some patients. “At this point, the experience and coolness of the doctor performing the surgery comes into play. Therefore, it is important for patients to choose their doctor carefully.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How Long Does Varicocele Surgery Take?” answer-1=”Varicocele, the most common type of male infertility, is among the main reasons for not being able to have children. Varicocele is the varicose-shaped enlargement and elongation of the veins that carry the dirty blood of the testicles. It is generally seen in 90% of the cases in the left testicle. It is one of the most important causes of infertility in men. “It is considered one of the most common diseases and its incidence is 15-25% in the society and the majority is in the 20-35 age group. It is a disease that can be treated with surgery. The operation is performed in the groin and takes approximately half an hour.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Can a Man with Varicocele Have a Child?” answer-2=”Varicocele is the most common type of male infertility. It is a disorder caused by the expansion of the vein that helps remove dirty blood in the testicles. It can be treated with surgery. However, if varicocele is not operated on, it seriously reduces the chance of having a child. It causes pain in the testicle. “It is a discomfort and can lead to testicular shrinkage or even loss of testicle. Therefore, if there are necessary conditions for surgery, varicocele surgery should be performed without delay.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Does Varicocele Affect Sexual Life?” answer-3=”Varicocele is a type of disease that affects sperm functions in general. It disrupts the sperm functions of the testicle with the expansion of blood vessels in this area. However, its effects on the hormonal level are not yet known. Therefore, whether it affects sexual life remains a question mark. In addition, today It is also important to know that many men face this disorder. It is extremely important for people to get checked before saying “I don’t have it.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”Does Varicocele Affect Erection?” answer-4=”When the blood tests of patients with varicocele were examined, it was determined that the total testosterone level was low. It was also determined that the postoperative testosterone levels increased in these patients who underwent varicocelectomy. Low total testosterone levels can cause problems such as erectile dysfunction and decreased sexual desire. This For this reason, conditions such as erection problems and sexual reluctance may be observed in some patients with varicocele. Testosterone production may be affected as a result of not treating very advanced varicocele.



Erdemir, F., & Kılıç, Ş. (2011). Varicocele. Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Medicine Journal, 3(2), 1-11.