Radical Cystectomy Surgery in Izmir Bladder Cancer

Mesane Kanserinde Radikal Sistektomi Ameliyatı

Radical Cystectomy Surgery in Izmir Bladder Cancer

Radical cystectomy surgery for Bladder Cancer is a method performed primarily for bladder cancer patients who are advanced or at high risk of progression.

Bladder, prostate, male glands and lymph tissues in men; It is a surgical operation performed in women by removing the bladder, uterus, part of the vagina and ovaries. However, since the bladder, which is responsible for storing and discharging urine, will be removed, a new pathway must be created.

The process of creating this path is called diversion. It can be done with several different techniques. The first of these is to direct the ureters through the skin and insert them into the skin, the other and more frequently used method is; 
It is the mouthing of the intestine to the skin by placing a small piece of intestine between the ureters and the skin.

Additionally, the newly made bladder can be reconnected to the urethra, allowing the patient to urinate naturally. The decision for this procedure is made in line with the opinions of the surgeon and specialist physicians in the relevant field.

It is an operation performed primarily when the cancer in the bladder deepens and touches the muscle tissue.

In addition, tumors that have not yet entered the muscle and have advanced to just behind the muscle, but have a very high risk of spreading to the muscle tissue and surrounding tissues, will provide better results with early diagnosis and surgery.

Men do not ejaculate after surgery, but it does not affect their ability to orgasm. Women may have difficulty in sexual intercourse in the first few months after surgery.

Since it is a long, tiring and risky but also necessary surgery, the patient should know how to use his neobladder after the surgery, in what situations he should contact his doctor and follow the instructions given to him.

The patient may remain under observation for a long time. It may be difficult for patients to decide on surgery, but the patient should not forget that this is a kind of cancer treatment and that he can lead a healthy life with the doctor’s guidance.

When is Radical Cystectomy Done?

Treatment Details
Operation:Radical Cystectomy Surgery for Bladder Cancer
Procedure:If the bladder tumor has reached a point where it cannot be treated by closed method, the entire bladder is removed and a new bladder is made from the small intestines.
Duration:4-6 Hours
Length of Hospital Stay:7-10 Days
Anesthesia:General anesthesia
Healing Time:7-10 Days
Return to Work (School):30 Days
Pain Duration:48-72 Hours

Radical cystectomy is a major procedure used to remove the entire bladder along with nearby tissues and lymph nodes. Patients with muscle-invasive or recurrent bladder cancer that does not respond to other treatments typically suffer from it. The procedure can be performed open, laparoscopic or robotically.

In addition to removing the bladder, the procedure may also include removal of the uterus, ovaries, and part of the vagina in women and the prostate and seminal vesicles in men.

The patient will need to undergo some tests and meet with the surgical team before the procedure to ensure that the patient is healthy enough for surgery and to explain the procedure and any possible risks, benefits, and alternatives. After surgery, the patient will typically require the use of a neobladder or ileal conduit as urinary diversion.

Who Should Have Radical Cystectomy Surgery?

If bladder cancer has progressed into the bladder muscle, if the tumor is too large to be treated with closed methods, or if it has not progressed into the muscle but recurs frequently despite the medications given to the bladder, radical cystectomy surgery is performed.

In radical cystectomy surgery, the entire bladder and surrounding lymph nodes are removed. Although the surrounding genital organs can sometimes be preserved in both men and women, in standard methods, the prostate and seminal vesicles in men, and the ovaries, fallopian tubes (tubes connecting the ovaries to the uterus), uterus, cervix and a small part of the vagina in women are also removed. Then, the neobladder is usually made using the small intestines and sometimes it is mouthed to the side of the navel. In suitable patients, it can also be connected to the normal urinary tract, but in this method, incontinence may occur at night and the patient may not be able to void urine on his own and may need to void it through a catheter. Therefore, the patient should be well informed before surgery.

Most often, a radical cystectomy is performed through an incision below the belly button. You will need to stay in the hospital for approximately 7-10 days after the surgery. You can usually resume your normal activities after a few weeks. In some cases, laparoscopic or robotic methods, also called minimally invasive surgery, can be used. These surgeries require serious experience and the operation time can be very long. Since the incisions are smaller in this type of surgery, less pain and faster recovery can be achieved, but some incisions will need to be made on the body to remove the bladder.

What are the Prices of Radical Cystectomy Surgery for Bladder Cancer in Izmir?

Cystectomy is an operation to remove the bladder. In men, removal of the entire bladder generally includes removal of the prostate and seminal vesicles.

In women, radical cystectomy also includes removal of the uterus, ovaries and part of the vagina.

Since the bladder is removed during bladder surgery, the patient also needs to be given a new urine guide. This is a solution to ensure that urine is stored and eliminated from the body.

If you want to get information about radical cystectomy surgery prices for bladder cancer in Izmir, you can consult doctors who are experts in their field.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Hours Does Radical Cystectomy Surgery Take?

What is Removed in Radical Cystectomy?


Bladder Removal Surgery: What is a Radical Cystectomy?

ASLAN, G. (2009). Radical Cystectomy and Extended with Small Incision.