Urinary Incontinence Surgery for Women in Izmir

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Urinary Incontinence Surgery for Women in Izmir

Urinary incontinence is a serious health problem that affects the quality of life and limits people’s social life. Types of urinary incontinence can be divided into two types: incontinence, which occurs with a sudden feeling of urgency, and incontinence, which can occur with effort, activities such as climbing stairs, lifting heavy objects, and coughing.

These two types can be seen together in some people. In addition, overflow urinary incontinence may occur due to the bladder not working or due to overstretching of the bladder due to an obstruction in front of it.

Urinary incontinence, which occurs due to reasons such as exercise, coughing, heavy lifting, is a common problem, especially in women who have given birth vaginally several times.

In men, it is more common after radical prostatectomy surgery for prostate cancer. In the first stage, exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and drug treatments are tried, but surgery may be required in unsuccessful patients.

What is Urinary Incontinence Surgery in Women?

Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control and the involuntary excretion of urine in drops or in greater volume.

Urinary incontinence in women can start at any age, and it appears to be more pronounced after pregnancy, birth or menopause. Medicine calls urinary leakage incontinence. Basically, this problem is more common as a disease of women.

There is no specific measurement for urinary incontinence because, although there are women who do not have to use sanitary pads but do not see this as a big problem, there are also people who will consider even dripping and infrequent urinary incontinence as a big problem.

Surgical interventions are required for urinary incontinence problems in women in Izmir when medication and other treatment methods fail to yield results. The source of the problem and the extent of urinary incontinence are evaluated and the most appropriate surgical technique is applied for the patient.

How is Urinary Incontinence Surgery Performed in Women?

Treatment Details
Operation:Urinary Incontinence Surgery in Women
Procedure:For women who experience urinary incontinence due to coughing or heavy lifting, an incision is made in the vaginal area and a patch is placed near the bladder.
Duration:1 Hour
Length of Hospital Stay:1 Day
Anesthesia:Spinal anestezi
Healing Time:1-2 Days
Return to Work (School):5-7 Days
Pain Duration:1-2 Days

Urinary incontinence problem can start in women at any age, and it appears to be more pronounced after pregnancy, birth or menopause.

Stress urinary incontinence in women can usually be prevented with a patch placed under the bladder through the vagina. Generally, numbing the lower waist area may be sufficient. It is a surgery that takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes and is highly effective.

The patient is monitored in the hospital for one night, and the next morning, the urinary catheter placed in the bladder is removed and it is observed whether the patient urinates comfortably and is discharged.

Very rarely, problems that may cause serious bleeding can be observed, and sometimes the extension of the patch into the bladder in the long term is one of the problems that can be observed. For this reason, long-term checks should be carried out in line with the recommendations of the urologist.

What Should Be Considered After Urinary Incontinence Surgery in Women?

After a surgical procedure for female urinary incontinence, it is very important to give the body time to heal and heal. Patients must follow the surgeon’s postoperative care instructions, such as taking painkillers, avoiding strenuous activities for a period of time, and avoiding sexual activity. Additionally, patients should practice good hygiene, such as wiping their hands after using the restroom from front to back.

Patients should keep follow-up appointments with the doctor to monitor their progress and make sure the procedure is going well. Full recovery and return to normal activity may take several weeks. Exercise for the pelvic floor muscles and lifestyle changes such as losing weight and quitting smoking may improve results.

Is the Vagina Narrowed in Urinary Incontinence Surgery?

Urinary incontinence surgery is a surgery that helps treat stress urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence that occurs when laughing, coughing, sneezing, lifting a heavy object, or when you exercise is called stress urinary incontinence. During the surgery, a patch is placed under the tube-shaped structure called the urethra, which allows urine to be discharged from the bladder, and the urethra is suspended slightly upwards. Thus, urine leakage is prevented during physical exertion, but the vagina does not narrow during this process.

A small surgical incision is made inside your vagina by the surgeon. Depending on the type of surgery performed, a second incision is made in the lower abdomen, on the right or left side, or on the inner part of both thighs close to the vagina. A special synthetic tape is passed into the vagina through these incisions. The tape is then placed under the urethra. One end of the tape is passed through one of the abdominal incisions or inner thigh incisions. The other end is passed through the other abdominal or inner thigh incision.

The doctor then adjusts the tightness of the tape enough to support the urethra. If you have not been given general anesthesia, you may be asked to cough. This is to check the belt tension. After adjusting the tension, the ends of the tape are cut at the skin level in the incision areas. The incisions are closed. As they heal, scar tissue that forms at the incisions will hold the ends of the tape in place to support the urethra.

The surgery takes approximately 45 minutes or up to an hour. After the surgery, a urinary catheter is inserted and removed the next day, and the hospital stay is one night.

How Much Does Female Urinary Incontinence Surgery Cost in Izmir?

Prices of urinary incontinence surgery for women in Izmir vary depending on reasons such as the hospital and the expertise of the doctor who will perform the surgery.

You can contact us to get detailed information about the prices of female urinary incontinence in Izmir.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Good for Urinary Incontinence in Women?

What Causes Urinary Incontinence in Women?

How is Urinary Incontinence Examined in Women?

Which Doctor Should You See for Urinary Incontinence in Women?



Kılıç, S., Utku, V., Ergin, H., İpek, D., & Gönenç, F. (2004). Results of bone anchoring and in situ vaginal wall hanging in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women and literature review.