Izmir Undescended Testicular Surgery

İnmemiş Testis Ameliyatı

Izmir Undescended Testicular Surgery

Undescended testicle is the name given to the testicles that cannot complete their normal descent and remain elevated.
 For surgery, the child should be waited until he is six months old, but the surgery should be performed before the age of one.

As a surgical intervention, the testicle is lowered into the scrotal sac and placed under the skin.
 In some cases, it can be applied in two sessions. The patient’s oral intake is stopped at least 6 hours before surgery. Preparation for undescended testicle surgery is generally the same as for hernia surgery.

In this surgery, which has a very high success rate, the incision location is decided according to the location of the undescended testicle, a 2 to 3 centimeter incision is made, the tissues that will cause the testicle to descend are cleaned and the testicle is placed in the sac.

Especially during surgeries performed at older ages, if the testicle is considered to be smaller than normal, it may need to be removed against the risk of cancer. It is a day surgery type, meaning that both the surgery time and the discharge time are quite short.

The testicle may sometimes be in a position further back that cannot reach the sac. In this case, it is possible to lower the testicle into the scrotum through an incision in the abdominal area, but if the testicle is further behind this part, it is also possible to find the formed testicle by looking laparoscopically inside the abdomen and, if no shrinkage is observed, to release it and bring it to the scrotum.

No food is given orally after the surgery. Necessary supplements are given intravenously and the patient is usually discharged on the same day. Some complications may occur after surgery.

In the early stages, visible swelling and bruising may occur in the scrotum, but you should not worry about this because these complications are normal and temporary due to the intervention. However, in any case where it is not the case, it would be logical to contact your doctor.

What is Izmir Undescended Testicular Surgery?

Treatment Details
Operation:Undescended Testicle Surgery
Procedure:The testicles that do not descend into the scrotal sac are lowered into the sac and fixed to the sac.
Duration:1-1.5 Hours
Length of Hospital Stay:1 Day
Anesthesia:General anesthesia
Healing Time:2-3 Days
Return to Work (School):5-7 Days
Pain Duration:24-48 Hours

As a result of problems that occur during the descent of the testicle, the testicle may remain at any point along the descent path.

The testicle, the organ responsible for the production of male hormones and sperm, is not present at birth in approximately four percent of babies. In most of these patients, the testicle descends before the end of 3 months. Two methods are used for this disease.

In open orchidopexy, large incisions are made on the groin to find the testicle, free it from the surrounding tissue and place it where the scrotum is located.

The second method is closed (laparoscopic) orchiopexy. In laparoscopic, that is, closed undescended testicle surgery, first a small incision is made in the patient’s groin area.

The testicle is identified through special tubes, and the artery that suspends the testicle is cleared of surrounding tissues and tightened. Then, the testicle is left fixed in place through a second incision made on the scrotum. Closed surgery technique is generally preferred in the treatment of undescended testicles.

What You Need to Know About Undescended Testicle Surgery

  • The testicles should normally descend into the scrotal sac, called the scrotum, before birth. The temperature of the sac is lower than the internal temperature of the body, which is important for the vitality and functions of the testicle.
  • After birth, the testicles may descend and therefore an early operation should not be performed and should be monitored for a while, but surgery should be considered for testicles that have not descended for up to 6 months, and the operation should be performed before the child is one year old to avoid permanent damage.
  • Patients with undescended testicles have an increased risk of testicular cancer compared to normal people, but these risks are significantly reduced with early treatment.
  • Undescended testicles can be corrected with surgery. Undescended testicle occurs when the testicle does not reach its normal location in the scrotum.
  • Differential diagnosis should be made clearly for other conditions that may be confused with undescended testicles.
  • The procedure performed to correct this natural situation and ensure the proper development of the testicle in question is called undescended testicle surgery.
  • In undescended testicle surgery, the aim is to make a small incision in the groin, loosen the adhesions and lower the testicles into the scrotum, fix them in that area and move them up again.
  • There are some surgical options available for these patients. One of these is orchidopexy, a procedure that has a satisfactory outcome in more than 95% of cases and preserves testicular function.
  • Early diagnosis of undescended testicle is very important. Intervention is extremely critical for this condition, which is noticed in infancy. The testicles can sometimes remain in the abdomen, or they may turn upside down while in the womb, their blood supply is impaired, and they may shrink and disappear. Sometimes the testicles may go out of their normal path and be located in a different area. These differential diagnoses should be made clearly.
  • In some babies, the descent of the testicles takes until the first 6 months after birth, but if the opposite occurs, intervention is required.
  • For this reason, Izmir undescended testicle surgery should be performed within 6 months to 1 year. Treatment should be done in babies at the age of 2 at the latest.
  • Although testicular surgery varies from person to person, it takes an average of 30 minutes to an hour. The patient is discharged 34 hours after surgery or the next day.
  • Undescended testicles can cause infertility if the problem is not resolved. In addition, it can also cause life-threatening problems. An egg that is not in the bag has a higher risk of developing cancer later in life.
  • In addition, it is difficult to diagnose cancer in testicles that are not descended. Its treatment becomes as difficult as its diagnosis.
  • The recovery period for undescended testicle surgery varies between 7 and 10 days. The probability of recurrence of the disease after the operation is quite low.
  • Undescended testicle surgery is performed by Urology or Pediatric Urology doctors. Undescended testicle surgery has some risks, as with any surgery. One of these risks is the cutting of the sperm duct during the operation. Another risk may be damage to the main artery feeding the testicle.

What Happens If Undescended Testicular Surgery is Delayed?

If surgery to remove an undescended testicle (cryptorchidism) is postponed, the testicle may be more difficult to remove and the risk of testicular cancer or fertility problems may increase. A testicle that has not descended into the scrotal sac is called an undescended testicle. Surgery is often used to correct it.

Untreated undescended testicles can cause serious complications such as testicular torsion, which can permanently damage the testicles and impair fertility.

Testicular cancer is another condition made more likely by postponing surgery as undescended testicles are more prone to it. It may also be a cosmetic problem. It is very important to see a pediatric urologist as soon as possible to discuss treatment options and address any concerns.

What are the Prices of Undescended Testicular Surgery in Izmir?

As a result of problems that occur during the descent of the testicle, the testicle may remain at any point along the descent path. The testicle, the organ responsible for the production of male hormones and sperm, is not present at birth in approximately four percent of babies.

In most of these patients, the testicle descends before the end of 3 months. When babies reach the age of one, this rate drops to less than one percent. Undescended testicle surgery is an important problem that requires treatment as soon as possible. Post-treatment care is also very important.

If you want to get information about the prices of undescended testicle surgery in Izmir, you can consult doctors who are experts in their field.

Frequently Asked Questions

At what age is the earliest age at which undescended testicles can be operated on?

How is Undescended Testicle Surgery Performed?

Can Undescended Testicles Occur Later?



KAYA, C., KAPISIZ, A., KARABULUT, R., TÜRKYILMAZ, Z., & SÖNMEZ, K. OUR SURGICAL EXPERIENCE IN Undescended Testicular Relapses Undescended Testicles.