Izmir Urinary Reflux Surgeries

İdrar Reflüsü Ameliyatları

Izmir Urinary Reflux Surgeries

Urinary reflux surgeries (VUR) can be performed in three different ways. These; It can be divided into open surgery, robotic-assisted closed surgery, and endoscopic or injection surgery. The main features that distinguish the first two methods from the third are cosmetic differences and success rate.

The aim of open surgery is to treat reflux. General anesthesia is preferred and an incision is made in the lower abdomen and the place where the ureters open to the bladder is repaired to prevent reflux.

After the surgery, the catheter is removed within a few days and the patient is discharged after an observation period of 2 to 7 days, with the doctor’s approval. Close follow-up is important after the surgery to understand whether the procedure was successful or not.

An anesthesiologist must evaluate the patient before the surgery and the patient should not eat or drink for 8 hours before the surgery.

Closed surgery is the same as open surgery in many senses. 
It leaves less cosmetic scarring and can shorten the healing time. The advantage is smaller incisions and generally less bladder spasms.

In endoscopic surgery, the surgeon inserts a cystoscope through the urethra to see the bladder and injects a volume-increasing substance into the opening of the affected ureter. This method is less invasive and presents fewer risks than the other two methods.

However, it gives more successful results in patients with lower-grade reflux. Since it is a simple treatment method that can be repeated over time, if a positive result is obtained with the first injection, it can be repeated 2 to 3 times to obtain results that are at least as effective as other methods.

How Is Urinary Reflux Surgeries Performed in Izmir?

Treatment Details
Operation:Urinary Reflux Surgeries
Procedure:In closed methods, reflux is prevented by filling, or in open surgeries, reflux is prevented by changing the opening of the urinary tract.
Duration:1-2 Hours
Length of Hospital Stay:1-2 Days
Anesthesia:General or spinal anesthesia
Healing Time:2-3 Days
Return to Work (School):5-10 Days
Scars:Yes in open surgery method
Pain Duration:24-48 Hours

The most important functions of the kidneys are to clean toxic substances from the blood and excrete them through urine. After urine is produced by the kidneys, it is transported to the bladder through tubes and stored.

With a valve mechanism between the ureter and the bladder on both sides, the bladder prevents urine from leaking back to the kidneys. It can be treated surgically by injecting a small amount of synthetic material into the body at the point where the urinary tract and the bladder connect.

Great success can be achieved in 1st and 2nd degree urinary reflux with the endoscopic method. The treatment method applied with open surgery is carried out by reshaping the entry points of the urinary ducts to the urinary bladder. In this way, the treatment process of the disease is completed.

What You Need to Know About Urinary Reflux Surgeries

  • Urinary reflux (Vesicoureteral Reflux); It is the reflux of urine from the bladder to the kidneys. This is because it escapes towards the kidney, even though it should not normally escape, and causes problems such as infection and loss of function in the kidney.
  • It is rarely seen in adults unless they have had a bladder operation, and it is a childhood disease.
  • Reflux surgery to treat kidney disease due to reflux can be performed minimally invasive (closed) or open, depending on the degree of reflux.
  • Kidney reflux can be treated with surgical or medical methods. The treatment is decided according to the patient’s age, gender and degree of reflux.
  • Vesicoureteral Reflux is distinguished from each other by a classification of severity from one to five. If surgery is required, reflux cases up to group 3 are treated with closed methods, and groups 4 and 5 are generally treated with open methods.
  • The purpose of kidney reflux surgery is to strengthen or replace the junction of the ureter and the bladder, which is the urinary canal that transmits urine from the kidney to the bladder, and thus prevent reflux.
  • In closed methods, substances are injected into the junction of the bladder and ureter (ureterovesical junction) to strengthen that area, while in the open method, that area is damaged and restructured.
  • Since the effectiveness of substances injected through closed methods may decrease after a while, repeated injections may be required.
  • Izmir urinary reflux surgery takes approximately 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Patients are kept in the hospital for approximately 1 to 3 days. If no complications are observed, patients are discharged with the doctor’s approval. It takes approximately 1 week for patients to return to normal life in a controlled manner. These figures vary depending on the operation method and the condition of the patients.
  • After Urinary Reflux Surgery, your doctor will tell you what to expect during the recovery process. After recovery, follow these guidelines to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.

Is Urinary Reflux Genetic?

Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), another name for urinary reflux, is a condition in which urine flows back from the bladder to the kidneys.

It can be acquired, meaning it develops later in life, or congenital, meaning it is present at birth.

VUR has a genetic component, meaning it runs in families and can be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, meaning if a parent has the condition, there is a 50% chance their child will also have it.

However, not all cases of VUR are genetic; Other factors, such as structural or functional abnormalities or infections of the bladder and urethra, may also play a role in the onset of this condition.

To diagnose the condition and determine the underlying cause, it is very important to talk to a pediatrician or pediatric urologist if there is a family history of VUR or if you have symptoms.

What are the Prices of Urinary Reflux Surgery in Izmir?

If you want to get information about urinary reflux surgery prices in Izmir, you can consult our doctor who is an expert in his field.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Understand Urinary Reflux?

What Causes Urinary Reflux?

Source :

Altında, B., & Results, İ. (2014). Surgical Treatment of Vesicoureteral Reflux. Turkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr Sci, 10(1), 92.