Izmir Genital Wart Treatment

İzmir Genital Siğil Tedavisi

Izmir Genital Wart Treatment

Genital warts are caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), a common sexually transmitted virus. It is possible for this type of virus to be seen almost everywhere in the world.

Genital warts can be seen in both women and men. Genital warts are one of the most common types of sexually transmitted diseases in the world. Genital warts are an important cause of cervical cancer in women.

It occurs at an early age, most often between the ages of 18-25. Genital warts may not always be detectable by the human eye.

There are different treatment methods;

  • In the treatment of genital warts with medication, some spreadable drugs such as creams and lotions can be used, which the patient can apply herself.
  • The cryopreservation method for genital warts aims to destroy genital warts by freezing.
  • In the genital wart burning treatment method, the warts are destroyed by burning them with electric current.
  • Surgical removal of genital warts can be considered as surgical intervention, that is, condyloma surgery, for very large genital warts.

How is Genital Wart Treatment Done in Izmir?

Treatment Details
Operation:Genital Wart Treatment
Procedure:Burning of warts in the genital area
Duration:30 Minutes
Length of Hospital Stay:Discharged on the same day
Healing Time:1 Day
Return to Work (School):1 Day
Pain Duration:1-2 Hours

Although genital warts, which can be seen in men and women, sometimes do not cause a reaction, in some cases and if they progress, they can cause aesthetically undesirable conditions and cause itching and even pain.

Since genital warts are also associated with cervical cancer, it is extremely important to examine these tissues with precision. It is possible to use a smear test to examine genital warts in women.

It is very difficult to protect from HPV. Even though the genital organ is protected with a condom during sexual intercourse, it is possible for viruses to be transmitted to places other than the covered area.

Since the virus can remain silent for a long time or even indefinitely in a person carrying the HPV virus, even the person himself may not be able to declare this to his partner. In this regard, measures against the spread of HPV are quite limited.

There are similarly limited methods for HPV treatment. Cryotherapy, creams and ointments, electrocauterization and surgical treatment methods can be used in the treatment of the disease, which can be diagnosed by Urology, Dermatology and Gynecology specialists.

Genital wart treatment in men and women is done differently. Depending on the general condition of the warts, if the biopsy and Pop Smear test are negative, a treatment procedure is determined by experts based on the results obtained by DNA-HPV tests.

What is the Definitive Solution for Genital Wart Treatment?

Genital warts can be treated, but there is no single method that works for everyone because it depends on the patient’s preference, the location and severity of the warts, and their medical history. Topical creams and ointments, cryotherapy (freezing), electrocautery (burning), laser treatment, and surgical removal are the most popular forms of treatment.

While a primary care physician may perform some of these treatments, others may need to refer the patient to a specialist such as a dermatologist or urologist. The best way to choose the best treatment method is to talk to a healthcare professional who will take into account the patient’s medical history, preferences, and other aspects.

What You Need to Know About Genital Wart Treatment

  • Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease caused by the HPV virus that infects the genitals.
  • Genital warts generally occur due to HPV6 and 11, and the carcinogenic effects of these types of viruses are low.
  • When a person with genital warts has unprotected sexual intercourse with another person, the rate of transmission to the other person through direct contact is around 64%. It can be transmitted to certain parts of the body by wearing tight clothing that comes into close contact with the area where the wart is located.
  • Most of the time, sexually transmitted diseases are not shared or discussed for reasons such as shyness or privacy. However, people who are faced with such a problem should not delay in getting help from the nearest health institution. Because they can easily infect other people without realizing it.
  • Although the duration of lesions after infection varies between 2 weeks and 8 months, the average development time is 23 months. In most cases, genital warts grow very slowly. Women may not even realize they have it unless they notice it while washing themselves. For these reasons, it is especially important for men to monitor their groin area regularly and report any abnormal swelling or skin rash to their doctor.
  • The issue of transmission of genital warts from surfaces such as bathrooms and toilets is controversial.
  • HPV does not appear in just one part of the body. In order to avoid such problems, self-care should be taken into consideration, infection protection methods should be applied, and protection methods should be chosen to protect against viruses during sexual intercourse.
  • If the patient is a woman and the place where the warts appear is in the genital area, it is necessary to contact the Gynecology, that is, gynecology and obstetrics unit. If the patients are male, they should be examined by a Dermatologist, General Surgery or Urologist.
  • In the treatment of genital warts, creams or liquid solutions applied on the lesion can be used, or treatments such as cryotherapy or burning with cautery and laser can be applied. In some very large lesions, surgical excision or even skin transplantation to that area may be necessary. These treatments must be managed by a physician.
  • The aim of genital wart treatment is not to eliminate the disease but to make the lesions invisible, and the disease can recur in an average of 25-65%.

What are the Costs of Genital Wart Treatment in Izmir?

Genital wart treatment prices in Izmir will vary depending on the tests to be applied, the hospital and the expertise of your doctor.

If you want to get detailed information about genital wart treatment prices in Izmir, you can contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens If Genital Warts Are Not Treated?

How Can I Get Rid of Genital Warts?

Can You Have Sex While There Are Warts in the Genital Area?



Cilli, M., & Kadıoğlu, A. (2021). Genital wart guide. Turkish Urology Association. Access address: https://www. uroturk. organ. tr/urolojiData/Books/825/genital-sigil-guide. pdf. Access date, 29.