Izmir Endoscopic Prostate Surgery

Endoskopik Prostat Ameliyatı

Izmir Endoscopic Prostate Surgery

Endoscopic prostate surgery is a surgical method used in benign prostate enlargements and can solve urination difficulties in the fastest and most accurate way.

The target group is those who do not benefit from drug treatment and patients who have bleeding in the urine and frequently recurring infections due to prostate enlargement.

Although this method is related to prostate size and is recommended for prostate patients up to 80 grams in the European Association of Urology guide, it can also be applied to slightly larger prostates with laser methods such as holmium, depending on the surgeon’s experience and technological developments in recent years.

In this surgery, the prostate is directly accessed using the urinary canal called the urethra, and the inner prostate tissue that blocks the urinary canal is removed, the canal is opened, and the aim is for the patient to urinate more easily. The surgery is a short surgery lasting approximately 1 hour under general or spinal anesthesia.

What is Endoscopic Prostate Surgery?

Prostate surgery is a method used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia when drug therapy is not sufficient or unsuccessful.

Prostate enlargement; It also causes many problems that will negatively affect people’s daily lives, such as frequent urination, difficulty urinating, intermittent urination, urinary incontinence and pain. If no treatment gives results, surgery is preferred at this stage.

In the surgery, the procedure is performed by entering the urinary tract with a camera system and scraping it from the inside with tools that conduct the cutting process by providing electrical conduction. Small pieces that accumulate in the bladder during the procedure are collected and removed at the end of the operation.

These pieces are sent to the laboratory for final examination. After the scraping process, bleeding foci in the prostate area are controlled and the patient is monitored.

How is Izmir Endoscopic Prostate Surgery Performed?

Treatment Details
Operation:Endoscopic Prostate Surgery
Procedure:The enlarged part of the prostate is removed by entering it closed with a camera.
Duration:1 Hour
Length of Hospital Stay:1-2 Days
Anesthesia:Spinal anesthesia
Healing Time:2-3 Days
Return to Work (School):7-10 Days
Pain Duration:24-48 Hours

Prostate surgery is a method used when drug treatment for prostate enlargement is not sufficient or unsuccessful.

In the surgery, the procedure is performed by entering the urinary tract with a camera system and scraping it from the inside with tools that conduct the cutting process by providing electrical conduction. Small pieces that accumulate in the bladder during the procedure are collected and thrown out at the end of the operation.

These pieces are sent to the laboratory for final examination. After the scraping process, bleeding foci in the prostate area are controlled and the patient is monitored. Thus, the patient’s prostate discomfort is eliminated. Postoperative care is of great importance.

After the surgery, the patient can be discharged from the hospital under observation for 1 to 2 days. Although the patient can return to daily life within a few days, complete recovery time may vary.

Since it is a sensitive area, the patient should be as careful as possible and follow the instructions given to him by his doctor as much as possible. After this surgery, a catheter is inserted into the patient for easy urination and sterilization.

The patient can stand up easily the day after surgery. It is not a surgery with many side effects, and since it does not damage the nerves connected to sexual functions, it does not negatively affect sexuality.

A day or two after the surgery, the patient’s urinary catheter is removed. There may be burning and stiffness in urination, which may be temporary in the early period, but this resolves in a short time.

What are the Advantages of Endoscopic Prostate Surgery?

Endoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive prostate surgery, has many advantages over open surgery. The results are less blood loss, fewer complications, shorter hospital stays and faster recovery.

In addition, since the affected tissue can be removed more precisely in endoscopic surgery, the surrounding healthy tissue can be better protected and the risk of impotence and urinary incontinence can be reduced. Additionally, endoscopic surgery allows for a smaller incision and less scarring, which can result in less pain and a more pleasing aesthetic result.

Compared with traditional surgery, endoscopic surgery has the advantage of early detection of cancer and rapid removal of cancer.

What You Need to Know About Endoscopic Prostate Surgery

  • The prostate is located just at the exit of the urinary bladder, called the bladder, and can grow with age, causing difficulty in urinating.
  • Patients who have difficulty urinating should be carefully evaluated by a urologist for prostate enlargement and differentiated from malignant prostate diseases.
  • Patients diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) should first receive drug treatment, but surgery should be considered in those who do not benefit or have a disease such as persistent bleeding in the urine, infection or bladder stones.
  • According to the recommendations of the European Association of Urology, the recommended treatment for prostates weighing less than 80 grams is endoscopic (closed) treatment.
  • In the endoscopic treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), only the part of the prostate that grows and blocks the urinary tract is removed, not the entire prostate, by entering through the urinary tract.
  • Various energy sources can be used in endoscopic prostate surgery. Just as standard energy techniques that have been used for years can be used, new generation lasers can also be used in this method, and these techniques are a different type of endoscopic prostate surgery.
  • There are no obvious advantages between the standard method used and laser technologies.
  • Different methods such as vaporization are also different methods of endoscopic prostate surgery.
  • After the surgery, a urinary catheter is inserted into the patient and may remain in place for 1-3 days, depending on the situation.
  • Bleeding is the most important problem in the early postoperative period and may sometimes require intervention in the operating room again.
  • After Izmir endoscopic prostate surgery, temporary complaints such as burning and difficulty urinating may occur and may last up to a month.
  • In some patients who undergo Endoscopic Prostatectomy surgery, rare complications such as erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence may occur.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that patients do not become constipated after the surgery, and patients should stay away from hot and spicy foods. In addition, care should be taken to rest, not sitting for long periods of time, long and tiring activities should be avoided and heavy lifting should not be done.

Who is Endoscopic (Closed) Prostate Surgery Suitable for?

Endoscopic prostate surgery; Apart from those who use medication due to prostate enlargement and do not get results, those who have frequent urinary tract infections, a significant amount of blood in their urine, have bladder stones with complaints related to prostate enlargement, have kidney failure due to residual urine remaining in the bladder after urination, and have to use a permanent urinary catheter due to the inability to urinate. It is suitable for the remaining patients.

In the endoscopic surgical method performed to treat the symptoms of benign prostate enlargement, metal devices (resectoscope) are entered through the urinary tract to remove the inner part of the prostate that grows towards the urinary tract (causing the patient’s complaints), and then the growing tissues are cut and removed with the help of a camera placed inside. Although large-sized prostate surgeries can also be performed with a closed method along with laser techniques, it is generally recommended for prostate surgeries under 80 grams in the European Urology Association guideline. Approximate hospital stay is 1 day. After surgery, the urinary catheter is removed 1-3 days later.

What are the Prices of Endoscopic Prostate Surgery in Izmir?

Prostate surgery is a method used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia when drug therapy is not sufficient or unsuccessful.

Prostate enlargement also causes many problems that will negatively affect people’s daily lives, such as frequent urination, difficulty urinating, intermittent urination, urinary incontinence and pain.

Medications are used first in the treatment, but prostate surgeries are performed for patients who cannot get better with medication, or whose symptoms recur despite initially benefiting from medication, and who cannot use medication due to side effects or other illnesses.

If you want to get information about endoscopic prostate surgery prices in Izmir, you can consult doctors who are experts in their field.

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What is Endoscopic Prostate Surgery?” answer-0=”Endoscopic prostate surgery is the fastest and most accurate solution to urination difficulties caused by benign prostate enlargement. Endoscopic prostate surgery uses the natural space from the urinary tract to reach the prostate, and this operation is based on the principle of resection of the inner part of the prostate that blocks the duct. The gold standard of prostate surgeries Endoscopic prostate surgery can only be done by burning or cutting, or it can be used in a bipolar system (providing bleeding control while cutting). image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How is Prostate Endoscopy Done?” answer-1=”The most commonly applied and standard prostate surgery technique is the removal of the prostate gland by an endoscopic method called TUR-prostate. With this method, a device with a camera is inserted into the urinary tube (urethra) without opening any incision on the body. The prostate gland is removed in small pieces by entering the bladder. After the procedure, a catheter is placed in the urinary bladder.

Source :

Ünal Sert, D., & Kılıç, Ö. Endoscopic surgical treatment in BPH.