Izmir Kidney Tumor Surgery

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Izmir Kidney Tumor Surgery

Kidneys are organs that are very important for human life and are located on both sides of our spine, right and left, behind the abdominal organs. Kidneys play a very important role in cleaning the blood from harmful wastes and sending the wastes to the excretory system.

Kidney cancer; It may arise from the filtering cells that make up the kidney or from the channels that carry the urine. Although kidney cancer is more common in men, it can occur in both genders and all age groups.

Kidney cancers account for almost three percent of all cancers. Although its incidence has increased in recent years, it is detected at an earlier stage due to the frequent use of imaging methods such as ultrasonography and tomography, thus reducing the death rates due to kidney cancer.

Most tumors do not cause any symptoms and are detected in examinations such as ultrasonography, tomography or MRI performed for another reason. Since it is resistant to traditional treatment methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the most effective treatment is surgery.

How is Kidney Tumor Surgery Performed?

Treatment Details
Operation:Kidney Tumor Surgery
Procedure:With open or closed methods, the entire kidney or, in small tumors, only the tumor tissue is removed.
Duration:1-3 Hours
Length of Hospital Stay:1-3 Days
Anesthesia:General anesthesia
Healing Time:3-5 Days
Return to Work (School):3-4 Weeks
Scars:Yes, although it varies depending on the operation performed.
Pain Duration:24-72 Hours

Kidney tumor surgery basically includes two different sub-applications depending on the progression of the cancer, that is, the spread of the tumor. The first of these; In early stage cancer, “partial nephrectomy” is based on removing only the tumor and preserving the intact part of the kidney, and the other is “radical nephrectomy”, which is the removal of all the kidney and surrounding fatty tissues for advanced cancer treatment.

The duration of the surgery is generally 2-3 hours, but sometimes cancer cells can spread to the large veins in the body and this can prolong the duration of the surgery.

Surgeries can be performed both open and closed methods known as laparoscopic or robotic techniques. The determining factors here are; These are patient-specific conditions such as the patient’s age and general condition, and tumor-related conditions such as the location and size of the tumor.

If radical nephrectomy is performed closed, the tumor and all necessary areas are removed with the help of special surgical equipment using 1-2 cm holes opened in the body.

Partial nephrectomy is a very difficult and complicated surgery. Therefore, it is important that the surgeon is experienced. The main reason that makes this surgery difficult is that the kidney is the organ that contains the most blood in the human body, and it completely loses its function after being left without blood for 30 minutes.

However, if the patient’s condition is suitable, the first choice should be partial nephrectomy because the patient will need the remaining kidney part for the rest of his life.

It should not be forgotten that if the kidney is completely removed, the patient may need dialysis in the future, depending on the condition of the other kidney, and their standard of living may be severely affected.

Surgery performed in experienced hands can produce very positive results. As with all surgeries, it will be beneficial to follow the doctor’s recommendations after these surgeries.

How Many Hours Does Closed Kidney Tumor Surgery Take?

The length of the procedure to remove a closed kidney tumor, also known as laparoscopic or robotic nephrectomy, depends on the size and location of the tumor, the patient’s overall health, and the surgeon’s level of experience. The average length of the procedure is 2 to 4 hours. A sophisticated surgical robotic system and special instruments must be used in a complex procedure to remove the tumor.

The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia, and the patient typically needs to recover and be monitored in the hospital for 2-4 days. The patient should speak with the surgeon beforehand to review the specifics of the surgery and the recovery process. The length of the procedure is not the only consideration in recovery; Post-operative pain, improvement in general health, and follow-up appointments are important elements.

What You Need to Know About Kidney Tumor Surgery

  • Kidney tumors are usually treated with surgery, and the most effective treatment is surgery at an early stage.
  • Although some symptoms of a kidney tumor may include severe pain in the kidneys, bleeding in the urine, and a palpable mass in the abdominal area, the vast majority of them are detected by imaging tests such as ultrasound performed without the patient having any complaints.
  • The patient with a kidney tumor should be evaluated by a Urologist, it should be investigated whether there is spread (metastasis) to other organs in the body, and the decision for surgery should be made by the urologist.
  • If the tumor is very large, the entire kidney must be removed (Radical Nephrectomy), but in smaller tumors, only the tumor tissue can be removed (Partial Nephrectomy) and the healthy part of the kidney can be avoided, thus ensuring that the patient preserves kidney functions.
  • The surgery is performed in two methods: open and closed. In the open method, the procedure is performed through an incision made in the abdomen or on the side of the abdomen, while in the closed methods, called laparoscopic or robotic, the procedure is performed by opening 34 1 cm wide holes in the body and inserting a camera and other devices. Then, to remove the kidney, one of the holes is slightly enlarged and the kidney is taken out.
  • Both kidneys are located to the right and left of the main artery and vein in the abdomen, and since the kidneys are organs with high blood flow, sometimes serious bleeding may occur during surgery, so this operation should be performed by a Urologist experienced in oncological surgery.
  • Kidney tumors can sometimes spread into the main vein in the abdomen, and these tumors need to be removed by an experienced surgical team.
  • Note that research is needed into any sensitivities or complications that may be present. You should discuss these issues with your kidney tumor surgeon before making a decision. Complications that may develop include injuries to large vessels and adjacent organs such as the intestine, spleen and liver.
  • One of the most common complications is bleeding, which may require treatment with a blood transfusion.
  • Blood transfusions may have different risks from person to person. You may need to decide whether to consent to a blood transfusion before surgery.
  • Patients should avoid smoking before and after kidney tumor surgery. In addition, patients should not bend over suddenly, lift heavy objects, and avoid sudden movements in the early postoperative period. They should not do heavy sports either.
  • Since kidney functions may deteriorate after Izmir kidney tumor surgery, patients should consume plenty of water and limit excessive protein and salt intake.
  • The duration of kidney tumor surgery may vary depending on the size and location of the mass, but it takes an average of 23 hours.
  • Patients are kept in the hospital for approximately 2 to 3 days. If no complications are observed, patients are discharged with the doctor’s approval. It takes approximately 1 week for patients to return to normal life in a controlled manner.

What are the Prices of Kidney Tumor Surgery in Izmir?

If you want to get information about kidney tumor surgery prices in Izmir, you can consult our doctor who is an expert in his field.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Hours Does Kidney Tumor Surgery Take?

Is Kidney Tumor Cancer?

Source :

Koçak, B., Açıkgöz, A., Aşcı, R., Sarıkaya, Ş., & Bilen, C. Y. (2008). Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy in the surgical treatment of kidney tumor. Turkish Journal of Urology, 34(3), 300-5.