Activities and Certifications

Laparoscopy Training at Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine Urology USA between 01.09.2009 – 30.11.2009

Between 01.11.2010 – 25.04.2011, he was at the Department of Urology, University of Iowa, Faculty of Medicine, United States of America as an observer.

Being entitled to receive the Turkish Urology Proficiency Certificate as a result of the written and oral exam conducted by the Turkish Urology Qualification Board.

Completing the Experimental Animals Use Course and exam organized by Ege University between 04.01.2010 – 15.01.2010

“Early Diagnosis and Prevention in Bladder Cancer”, chapter author. (Uro-oncology Book, Extended 2nd Edition Editor: Prof. Dr. Çetin Dinçel, Page: 309-315)

Da Vinci® Robotic Surgery Training Program Certificate, da Vinci® Training center, Acıbadem University CASE, 24-25.09.2014

100th Case certificate with Da Vinci® Robotic Surgical System