2024 Bladder Botox Treatment Costs

Mesane Botoksu Fiyatları 2023

Botox, as it is commonly known in society, is actually a type of toxin secreted by a type of bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. When we look at the history of botulinum toxin, it is known that it caused food poisoning in ancient times, but there are not enough written sources about it.

A German poet and doctor named Justinus Kerner (1786-1862) documented sausage-related poisoning between 1817 and 1822, and although he called it sausage or fatty food poisoning, he could not prove that it was a biological poisoning. 80 years later, when poisoning symptoms appeared in many people after smoked ham and salami-like food at a funeral dinner held in a small Belgian village, the causative pathogen, Clostridium Botulinum, was discovered by Emile Pierre van Ermengem, a Belgian professor of bacteriology.

The word botulum corresponds to the word sausage in Latin and this is where it got its name. Modern botulinum toxin treatment was pioneered by scientists named Alan B. Scott and Edward J. Schantz. In 1989, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave approval for the first time for the treatment of blepharospasm and strabismus diseases.

With the developing technology in the field of medicine, new treatment methods and drugs are now used in the urology department in the light of technological developments. Among these treatment methods, there is bladder botox, which you have been hearing about frequently lately. How often it will be applied to which patient and when and under what conditions will be decided by your physician as a result of his evaluation. This method, which we frequently encounter in the cosmetic field, actually plays a role in the treatment processes of many neurological diseases.

It is one of the most powerful toxins known in the world so far. This toxin secreted by the bacterium is quite harmful, but under appropriate conditions it turns into an effective drug in treatment. It has a mechanism of action that causes the muscles to relax in the area where it is applied. If applied to the urinary bladder, it helps relax the muscles.

This toxin, which also affects the nervous conduction system, loses its effect after a certain period of time. The temporary effect of this toxin limits its use. In short, patients who have been treated and are satisfied with the procedure must have this procedure done again. Sometimes this situation varies in patients and the effect of the toxin lasts much longer than expected.

How to Apply Bladder Botox?

Complaints of sudden urge to urinate and incontinence before reaching the toilet occur as a result of the muscles in the urinary bladder, called the Bladder, contracting above normal. There are many drug treatment methods used in the treatment phase of this disease, called overactive bladder. Once the patient is diagnosed, the stages of the appropriate treatment method begin.

The fact that the process is incomplete or does not provide any benefit due to the side effects of these drugs used has led to the questioning of more qualified treatment methods. Since there are many drug groups that can be used in this area, it increases the variety of drug treatment methods that can be chosen for these people. When the specialist doctor decides to apply botox into the bladder in selected patients, the aim is to stop the irregularity in the contraction of the bladder muscles, increase the bladder capacity and reduce the intra-bladder pressure.

Bladder botox procedures are performed under light anesthesia along with an endoscopic procedure called cystoscopy. With this endoscopic application, the bladder is entered and the drug is applied to the required places in a number and dose determined according to the technique of the procedure, through special needles. Since this procedure must be performed in a special area within the bladder and is an endoscopic procedure, it should only be performed by a Urologist and in experienced hands. Generally, no complications are expected in patients after this procedure.

Since these procedures are a type of minor surgical intervention, unexpected side effects such as slight bleeding in the urine, urinary tract infection and difficulty urinating for a short time are rare, and these effects are generally expected to subside within a few weeks. The results of the treatment are promising as long as the person is suitable for this procedure and the appropriate doses of the drug are administered. The results of this procedure are not permanent and the patient should be informed.

How Much Are Bladder Botox Prices in Izmir?

Izmir bladder botox prices vary depending on the procedure and dose applied. The same dose will not be used for every patient, and this procedure will not be performed on every patient. Nowadays, there are many hospitals that perform this procedure. If you meet the procedure requirements and this procedure is suitable for you and the specialist urologist has deemed this procedure appropriate, bladder botox may be a good option. But what are the prices of bladder botox?

? It is not possible to answer the question clearly. Because each hospital has its own price policy and these prices vary in each hospital.

Since the procedure to be applied is determined, the number of doses to be used will directly affect the price, and the choice of doctor will also increase the price. Since it is a surgical procedure, choosing a doctor is an important issue. The quality of the hospital and the equipment used are another factor that will affect the bladder botox price.

Bladder Botox Prices Izmir

Bladder botox prices vary between provinces. One of the reasons for this is the quality of the hospital and specialist physicians. Although there are many hospitals in the Izmir region where you can have this procedure done, there are many factors that can increase the cost. The main factor among these factors is the service quality of hospitals.

Pricing policies of hospitals Bladder botox prices are a direct answer to our Izmir topic. Because hospitals have different pricing policies and prices vary. Considering this situation, we can say that the most important factor affecting bladder botox prices is the hospital price policy.

Another important factor, surgeon selection, is the factor that directly affects bladder botox prices. As a result, since the procedure to be performed is a surgical intervention, you need to work with an experienced specialist surgeon and this will directly affect the prices. There is risk in every surgical procedure, and surgeon selection is an important issue in this case. To get more detailed information, you can make a hospital appointment and meet with the doctor.

Does the State Hospital Cover Bladder Botox?

Although it can be applied in public hospitals with sufficient capacity and equipment, botox is not performed in every hospital. Since botulinum application to the bladder is made by urology specialists in public hospitals with a committee report, it may not be applied in every hospital. However, making a hospital appointment and meeting with the doctor for detailed information will give better results.

Bladder Botox Prices in a Private Hospital?

Pricing of private hospitals may vary. This procedure is performed by a urologist and is not a permanent procedure. On the other hand, it can be said that the hospital’s pricing policy and the equipment and medicine to be used will affect the price. Choosing a doctor is important in this regard, and this procedure is a minor surgical intervention. The choice of doctor will also directly affect pricing. You can get detailed information by making an appointment and meeting with the doctor.