Izmir Bladder Botox

Mesane Botoksu

Izmir Bladder Botox

Bladder Botox is a treatment method used to eliminate overactive bladder and some neurogenic urinary incontinence problems. This method may be preferred for patients who cannot achieve an acceptable level of benefit with the use of medication.

Treatment of this problem, which is one of the common problems seen in men and women, seriously affects the quality of life, is widely used.

  • Bladder stones,
  • Bladder tumors,
  • Bladder prolapse,
  • Multiple Sclerosis,
  • Parkinson,
  • People who have suffered from different nervous system disorders and diseases such as stroke
  • People with prostate enlargement problems

Overactive bladder problem may occur.

Bladder Botox is a treatment method to reduce the constant desire to go to the toilet. However, at this point, a detailed examination is of course necessary and must make sure that the problem is an overactive bladder problem. After this diagnosis is made, Bladder Botox treatment can be applied to ensure the comfort of the patient and the frequency of going to the toilet can be reduced.

Botox, which has been used in the cosmetics industry for a long time, is now widely used in the fields of Urology and Neurology. Bladder Botox is one of these methods used by urologists.

This method, in which involuntary and continuous contraction of the bladder muscles is prevented by applying botox to the bladder muscles, is a practice with mostly successful results.

While most of the problems such as urinary incontinence disappear after the application, the application begins to show its full effects within 4-12 days and its effects continue for 6 to 12 months. It is possible to repeat the application, which has no known side effects, if effective.

What is Bladder Botox?

Active bladder disease, which negatively affects the quality of life in cases such as frequent urination, the need to urinate at night, inability to reach the toilet and other similar situations, is one of the disorders that may occur in one in every three women, especially between the ages of 30-60.

Botox is similar to a kind of poison applied to humans. It causes temporary paralysis in the muscle group to which the nerve to which it is applied is connected. In patients with bladder outlet sphincter disorders, Botox is administered by injecting it into the area.

Systemic side effects are extremely low. Botox may not give the same results for every person. Because each person’s genetic structure has different characteristics. Therefore, careful diagnosis and diagnosis are at an important point.

How is Bladder Botox Done?

Treatment Details
Operation:Bladder Botox
Procedure:An injection is made into the bladder muscle by entering the bladder through the urinary tract with a camera.
Duration:30 Minutes
Length of Hospital Stay:1 Day or Discharged on the same day
Anesthesia:Local or Spinal
Healing Time:1 Day
Return to Work (School):1-2 Days
Pain Duration:1 Day

Normally, urine is in a relaxed state in the bladder muscle and urine accumulation occurs in this way in the bladder. When the amount of urine and pressure in the bladder exceeds a certain value, urination occurs when the bladder muscle contracts.

People with overactive bladder disease may experience excessive contractions in the bladder. When Botox is injected into the bladder muscle, the continuous contraction of the bladder muscle is prevented, in other words, urination in the bladder muscle is reduced. Botox is similar to a kind of poison applied to humans.

It causes temporary paralysis in the muscle group to which the nerve to which it is applied is connected. In patients with bladder outlet sphincter disorders, Botox is administered by injecting it into the area. Treatment of the disease is important for the patient’s quality of life.

How Long Does Bladder Botox Last?

Injections into the bladder with Botox usually take 15 to 20 minutes. The procedure is performed in a medical facility or office. Local anesthesia may be applied to the area to reduce discomfort. It typically takes 2-3 days for the drug’s effect to appear after injection.

When the drug takes effect, the detrusor muscle in the bladder is temporarily paralyzed. Since this muscle controls bladder contractions, temporarily paralyzing it can help reduce or even stop uncontrollable contractions and spasms. However, the effects of treatment may vary depending on the specific case, the muscle affected, and how long the effect lasts.

What You Need to Know About Bladder Botox

  • There are various types of urinary incontinence, and the most common is the mixed type. Urinary incontinence can affect men and women of all ages, but its incidence is higher in women.
  • Bladder problems manifest themselves with symptoms such as urinary incontinence. Some methods are applied to solve such problems that negatively affect daily life. One of the treatments for urgency incontinence is botox.
  • Overactive bladder (OAB) is a disease that can negatively affect people’s lives and manifests itself with symptoms of frequent urination and sudden urgency, whether accompanied by urinary incontinence or not.
  • Although the only form of botulinum toxin approved for the treatment of OAB is Onabotulinum toxin A (onabotA; BOTOX®), forms such as botulinumtoxin A, abobotulinumtoxin A and incobotulinumtoxin A are not licensed for the treatment of OAB.
  • Botox is currently only licensed for use in bladder OAB and Underactive Bladder disease, which can be defined as underactive bladder and emptying problems. However, recently there have been publications about botox injections for mild and moderate erectile dysfunction and they have begun to be applied in some centers. Botox injection into the prostate is not currently recommended because it is not beneficial.
  • The effect of Botox lasts for 3 to 6 months after application. The first effects begin to be felt in the 1st and 2nd weeks.
  • In botox application to the bladder, medication is injected intramuscularly into different parts of the bladder with a fine-tipped needle. Botox process takes approximately 15 minutes on average.
  • After Botox application, residual urine in the bladder and urinary tract infections may occur, but they improve with treatment.
  • Bladder botox is not permanent. The complaints return after the effect of the drug expires. You can find and apply permanent treatment methods by consulting your physicians..
  • Izmir bladder botox produces temporary solutions to the patient’s problems by stopping the release of a substance called acetylcholine in the nerve endings. It prevents frequent urination and urinary incontinence for a certain period of time.

What are the Prices of Bladder Botox in Izmir?

Bladder botox prices in Izmir will vary depending on the hospital, clinic and the expertise of the doctor who will perform the procedure.

If you want to get information about bladder botox prices in Izmir, you can contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Use of Bladder Botox?

Who Can Get Bladder Botox?

How is Botox Applied to the Bladder?


Bladder Botox

Zorba, O. Ü., & Author, S. Comparison of Botulinum Toxin and Neuromodulation Therapies in Refractory Overactive Bladder. Prof. Dr. Rahmi Onur (Coordinator) Prof. Dr. İzzet Koçak Assoc. Dr. Cenk Gürbüz Assoc. Dr. Ömer Gülpınar Assoc. Dr. Cemal Taşdemir, 36.