Izmir Nephrectomy Surgeries

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Izmir Nephrectomy Surgeries

Nephrectomy Surgeries can be briefly called kidney removal. It is usually performed in cases of kidney tumors or cases that block the kidney and cause it to stop working, such as stones, endometrial obstruction, cervical cancer, colon cancer, etc.

If this kidney remains in the body as a result of loss of kidney functions, it may cause side pain, recurrent urinary tract infections, kidney stone formation, bleeding, high blood pressure and many related problems.

Nephrectomy is most commonly performed as open and closed nephrectomy. If the recipient and donor have positive results from all medical evaluations made before the transplant, they are taken to kidney transplant surgery.

Surgeries to remove the kidney from the donor and then insert it into the recipient are performed quickly. This procedure is performed by the urology team under light anesthesia under operating room conditions. It is one of the important surgeries.

How is Izmir Nephrectomy Surgery Performed?

Treatment Details
Operation:Nephrectomy Surgeries
Procedure:The process of removing a kidney that is not working due to tumor or stone etc. It is accessed through an open incision made in the abdominal area or on the side of the abdomen. It can also be done by laparoscopic or robotic methods.
Duration:1-3 Hours
Length of Hospital Stay:1-3 Days
Anesthesia:General anesthesia
Healing Time:2-3 Days
Return to Work (School):2-4 Weeks
Scars:Yes, depending on the method
Pain Duration:24-48 Hours

There are two methods frequently used in nephrectomy surgery. The first of these is open nephrectomy and the other is closed nephrectomy, that is, laparoscopic or robotic method. Before open nephrectomy surgery, the procedure to be followed according to the reasons for the surgery is thoroughly analyzed and with the help of the anesthesiologist, it is decided whether the patient is suitable for surgery.

General anesthesia is applied to patients who are suitable for surgery. The kidney or kidneys that need to be removed are taken out through the incision made in the patient’s abdomen.

In rare cases, it may be necessary to remove both kidneys at the same time.
 If both kidneys are to be removed and a kidney transplant is to be performed, a kidney transplant can be performed in the same session. Sometimes, one of the ribs may need to be removed during the procedure.

In closed nephrectomy, that is, laparoscopic or robotic method, the preparation stage is the same, and during the surgery, holes are made in the patient’s back or abdomen from 3 or 4 places, special pipes with one-way air inlet are placed in these holes, the patient’s abdominal cavity is inflated, and a high-resolution camera is inserted through one of the pipes to show the abdominal cavity. .

Necessary surgical equipment enters through other pipes, so the procedure is performed as in open surgery. The kidney is taken out with the help of a special bag, but there is no incision as large as in open surgery. Patients have less pain after surgery and their recovery process is faster compared to open surgery.

After both surgeries, plenty of water should be consumed, heavy lifting and intense exercise should be avoided.

Is Nephrectomy Surgery Risky?

A surgical procedure to remove a kidney is called a nephrectomy, and like other major surgeries, it has potential risks. Risks include blood clots, infections, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. There may be additional specific risks depending on the purpose of the surgery and the patient’s general health condition.

For example, if nephrectomy is done to treat cancer, there may be a risk of the cancer spreading during surgery. If surgery is performed to remove a damaged kidney, there is a risk of damage to the other kidney.

However, as surgical methods improved, the risks of nephrectomy surgery gradually decreased. Before making a choice, it’s important to talk to your doctor about the exact risks and benefits of the procedure based on your unique situation.

What You Need to Know About Nephrectomy Surgery

  • Sometimes one or sometimes both kidneys are removed from the body if they are not functioning or there is a tumor, which is called nephrectomy operation.
  • Nephrectomy is a surgical procedure. The patient is put to sleep with anesthesia, then the operation is performed by specialist physicians.
  • Nephrectomy surgeries can be performed in cases where the kidney cannot function due to reasons such as stones, infection, renal outflow stenosis, polycystic kidney disease, etc. and can harm the person, when it is desired to give the kidney to a relative whose tissue is compatible with the kidney transplant, and also in cases of tumor presence in the kidney.
  • Sometimes, one of the reasons for nephrectomy is trauma to the kidneys due to gunshot or stabbing gunshot wounds, traffic accidents, falling from a height, etc., and if the kidney is damaged beyond repair, the doctor may have to perform nephrectomy.
  • Nephrectomy surgeries performed due to tumor are divided into two: radical nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy. If the tumor is very large, if no healthy kidney tissue can be left behind, or if the surgical removal of the tumor tissue is technically difficult and oncologically risky, the procedure of removing the entire kidney along with the surrounding fat tissue is called radical nephrectomy. If the tumor is small, can be removed surgically, and does not pose an oncological risk, sometimes removing only the tumor area is sufficient. This method is called partial nephrectomy.
  • Kidneys are vital organs. Living with a single kidney is possible in a controlled manner. However, in cases where two kidneys are removed, it is not possible for the patient to survive. Therefore, patients are first included in the dialysis program and if they meet the kidney transplant criteria, they enter the transplant waiting list.
  • For kidney transplantation, blood samples are taken from healthy people and checked for compatibility. If compatibility is achieved between the recipient and donor as a result of the analysis, the operation is performed. In nephrectomy operations in which both kidneys are removed, the donor is also kept ready. The healthy kidney is placed in the patient on the right or left side, whichever side is available. Taking a kidney from a healthy person and inserting it into a person waiting for a transplant is called donor nephrectomy.
  • Izmir nephrectomy surgery can be performed open and closed (laparoscopic, robotic). In determining the method to be chosen, the experience of the surgeon, the reason for nephrectomy, the person’s body structure, general health status, and the condition of the kidney are important.
  • In surgeries performed with closed methods, 34 small incisions of 1 cm in size are made on the body, approximately 10 cm long pipe-like instruments (trocars) are placed inside the body, and nephrectomy is performed with the camera and other instruments placed through these trocars. If the entire kidney has been removed, one of the incisions is slightly enlarged to take the kidney out.
  • The advantages of closed methods include better visibility, less risk of bleeding, less pain for the patient, quicker recovery and earlier discharge. However, the experience and opinion of the physician is important in choosing the method to be applied.
  • Patients are discharged within 34 days, as long as there are no problems. After nephrectomy surgery, patients are recommended to drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest, pay attention to their diet, do not do heavy exercises and go for regular check-ups without neglecting them.

What are the Prices of Nephrectomy Surgery in Izmir?

Nephrectomy Surgery prices vary depending on the type of surgery to be performed and the expertise of the hospital or your doctor.

If you want to get information about nephrectomy surgery prices in Izmir, you can consult our doctor who is an expert in his field.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Open Nephrectomy Surgery Performed?

Nephrectomy, which is the process of removing the kidney from the body, can be performed by open surgery method or laparoscopic surgery method. If the operation is performed by open surgery method, this procedure is called open nephrectomy. While the surgery is performed, the patients are asked from the right groin in the shape of the letter 'J' to the right side of the body. A 20 cm incision is made extending towards the kidney, the abdominal membrane is placed into the body.

Why is Nephrectomy Surgery Performed? ?



Çiçek, T., Erhan, Ş. E. N., Gönen, M., Gönülalan, U., Koşan, M., & Öztürk, B. (2014). Laparoscopic transperitoneal simple nephrectomy: single center experience. Cukurova Medical Journal, 39(2), 290-297.