- 10 October 2022
- Prof. Dr. Gökhan Koç
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The cause of Peyronie’s disease, which is a curvature of the penis, is not fully known. Men with this disease often consult a doctor due to curvature of the penis, palpable masses on the penis, and pain during erection.
This may cause a decrease in erectile functions in the future. For these reasons, individuals with this disease are doing research on Peyronie (penis curvature) surgery prices.
What are the Symptoms of Peyronie (Penile Curvature)?
The first recognition of this disease, which we call Peyronie, is made by the individual himself. These individuals realize that there are hardnesses called plaques on the penis. Of course, half of the patients may not be aware of this.
In other words, there are patients who learn about this condition from the doctor as a result of a medical examination. In most patients with this condition, the plaques are in the upper part of the penis and manifest themselves with pain and curvature during erection.
The curvature is towards the side where the plate is. In addition, different and severe curvatures may occur in unusual parts along with plaques. But this is not a common situation. These different and advanced curvatures that can occur can also manifest themselves with shapes such as shortening and narrowing on the penis.
When diagnosing the disease, the patient’s complaints and the examination are taken into consideration. The duration of the patient’s complaints is also a very important issue. Because whether the disease is in an acute or chronic stage has an impact on the type of treatment to be applied.
In addition to all these, it should definitely be investigated whether the cause of the curvature is related to previous penile surgical operations, subsequent insertions, or traumas the person has experienced.
In addition, people who consult a doctor with penile curvature should be evaluated whether they experience pain during intercourse, the frequency of intercourse, and the desire for intercourse. Treatments applied when complaints are just beginning will be more likely to benefit the patient.
How is Peyronie’s Surgery Performed?
While evaluating the patient’s condition for treatment, the number, size and location of plaques on the penis are carefully recorded. This is important to follow the progression of the disease.
Manual examination is largely sufficient to make the diagnosis and understand its severity, but it may also be important to evaluate the vessels of the penis with ultrasonography.
We mentioned in the previous paragraphs that one of the most important issues for diagnosis and treatment in Peyronie’s disease is the duration of the disease. Therefore, the sooner you consult a doctor, the more possible it will be to treat it early and get quick results. Different treatments are available depending on the stage of the disease.
Treatments include drug treatments, tablets, creams and injection treatments. If the situation cannot be corrected with all these, this situation that hinders the relationship can be corrected with surgery.
Depending on the duration of the problems, whether the plaques have entered the chronic phase, and whether serious hardness problems occur, the doctor can decide whether it is time for surgery.
Does Social Security Cover Peyronie’s Surgery?
SSI coverage for Peyronie’s surgery may vary depending on the type of healthcare institution where the patient will be treated. It may be difficult to give a clear answer as to whether SSI covers Peyronie’s surgery. In particular, there may be different practices in this regard between public hospitals and private hospitals. Therefore, the best approach would be to directly contact the hospital where the surgery will be performed.
The situation is different in private hospitals. The patient may be required to pay an additional fee above the amount covered by SSI.
In this context, patients and their relatives should first contact the relevant healthcare institution to learn the policies of the hospital to be preferred for treatment. Thus, complete information can be obtained about costs and support under SSI. Additionally, information will be provided about additional fees for services provided by private hospitals. This process will facilitate financial planning for the patient and family before starting treatment. Therefore, finding out whether Social Security covers Peyronie’s surgery is an important part of the treatment process.
How Do Private Hospital Prices Vary?
Private hospital prices for Peyronie’s Surgery vary depending on various factors. First, the pricing policy adopted by each hospital has a decisive impact on costs. The services and facilities offered by the hospital can also directly affect prices; because more comprehensive services generally result in higher pricing. The type of surgery may vary costs depending on the complexity of the treatment.
Location factor, hospital
It causes price differences depending on the economic situation of the region where it is located.
The stages of the treatment process and the surgical interventions required affect the total cost.
The type of anesthesia applied is another important factor that directly affects the cost of the surgery.
The timing of the surgery and the length of the hospital stay may also have an impact on the total cost.
Therefore, understanding the price differences in private hospitals for Peyronie’s Surgery requires considering these various factors. Patients and their relatives should take these factors into consideration when planning treatment. This way, they can make informed decisions about costs. Each factor plays an important role in determining the final cost of the surgery. Therefore, conducting thorough research before starting treatment helps to better understand the expected costs.
What are the Izmir Peyronie Surgery 2024 Prices?
Curvatures can most likely be corrected with surgery, but the surgery will not completely eliminate Peyronie’s disease. For this reason, curvatures may occur again due to plaques that will form later, which may lead to the need for another surgery.
Individuals with the disease also want to be informed about Peyronie surgery prices in 2023. However, the prices of these surgeries may vary from hospital to hospital and doctor to doctor. For this reason, it would not be correct to say anything clear about Peyronie’s surgery prices.
People who want to have information about Izmir Peyronie’s surgery prices and the surgery process can definitely get information by contacting health institutions or doctors working on this subject. In order to get the most logical and appropriate treatment, it would be good for you to get information from different health institutions and doctors for comparison.

Prof. Dr. Gökhan Koç graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 2000. After his graduation, he worked as a research assistant in the urology clinic at Tepecik Training and Research Hospital for 5 years and became a specialist doctor in 2007. He currently provides services in urological surgery in İzmir.