210 Robotic Surgeries at Tepecik


Surgery was performed on 210 patients with the Da Vinci Robot, which has been used since 2015 at Tepecik Training and Research Hospital in Izmir.

With the Da Vinci Robot, which provides significant advantages to the patient and the physician in surgeries, it is used in the branches of Urology, Ear Nose and Throat, Cardiovascular Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery, as well as prostate, rectal diseases, gynecological diseases, oral larynx and cardiovascular surgery. surgical operations were performed.


The 50th urology surgery performed with robotic surgery at Tepecik Training and Research Hospital was performed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. It was celebrated by cutting a cake by Gökhan Koç and his team. Assoc. Prof., who operated on 50 patients with his team in the field of urology with robotic surgery. Dr. Gökhan Koç said, “With robotic surgery technology, surgeries are performed with small holes instead of large incisions. There is less bleeding and pain after the surgery, patients return to their daily activities more quickly and the hospital stay is shorter. We performed prostate surgery on our fiftieth patient and our patient regained his health.”

Hospital Manager Prof. Dr. Gökhan Akbulut said, “I congratulate the entire team, especially Gökhan Koç, who pioneered this field.”
