What Should People with Kidney Stones Avoid Eating?

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When there is an excess of certain substances in the urine, hard deposits known as kidney stones develop in the kidneys. These compounds can be calcium, oxalate or uric acid. Although kidney stones can occur in anyone, certain dietary practices may increase the likelihood of kidney stones forming.

If you have kidney stones it is very important to watch your diet and stay away from anything that could make them worse. Here are some general suggestions on what to stay away from:

High-sodium foods: As a result of sodium’s ability to increase the body’s urinary excretion of calcium, kidney stones made of calcium may become more likely. Processed foods, fast food, canned soups and vegetables, and snack foods like pretzels and chips are some foods to avoid because they are high in sodium.
High-oxalate foods: Some foods contain a substance called oxalates, which can bind to calcium in the urine and cause kidney stones. Nuts and seeds, chocolate, tofu, beets, spinach, and wheat bran are a few examples of foods high in oxalates.
High-purity foods: Some foods contain purines, a type of protein that can be broken down into uric acid. Uric acid stones are more likely to form when there are high levels of uric acid in the urine. Anchovies, sardines, organ meats, and gravy are examples of foods high in purines.
Alcohol: Alcohol can affect the body’s ability to process uric acid, increasing the risk of developing uric acid stones.
High-sugar drinks: Calcium oxalate stones are more likely to form when you drink sugary drinks such as cola.
Calcium supplements: Although calcium is very important for bone health, some people can develop kidney stones if they take calcium supplements. If you are taking calcium supplements, discuss the appropriate dosage with your doctor.
The Importance of Food and Beverage Choices for Kidney Stone Prevention

To help flush the kidneys and stop stone formation, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, in addition to avoiding these particular foods. Your individual circumstances and the type of kidney stone you have will determine the specific fluids you should consume and how much. The ideal fluid intake for you can be determined with the help of your doctor or a registered dietitian.

Although avoiding certain foods can help reduce the risk of kidney stones, it’s important to remember that kidney stones are not always completely preventable. However, changing your diet and heeding medical advice can help reduce the risk of getting more stones and even dissolve existing ones.

It is crucial to collaborate with a healthcare professional to identify the root of your kidney stones and create a management strategy. Medication, lifestyle changes, or additional treatment options may be part of this.

Because high levels of calcium in the urine can increase the risk of calcium-based kidney stones, it is very important to pay attention to your overall calcium intake if you have kidney stones. To maintain healthy bones, it is very important to consume adequate amounts of calcium throughout your diet.

Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, and fortified foods such as orange juice and tofu are excellent sources of calcium. Green leafy vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli are also high in calcium.

In addition to monitoring your calcium intake, it is very important to keep your oxalate intake under control, as excess oxalate in the urine can increase the risk of calcium oxalate stones.

As a result, if you have kidney stones, it is very important to pay attention to your diet and avoid foods and drinks high in sodium, oxalates, purines or sugar, as well as alcohol and calcium supplements. In addition, it is very important to drink a lot of fluids to flush the kidneys and prevent the formation of stones. You can manage your kidney stones more effectively by making appropriate nutrition and lifestyle changes with the help of a healthcare professional.

