2024 Circumcision Costs in Izmir

Sünnet Fiyatları 2022

One of the most frequently asked questions by parents who want to have their children circumcised is how much does circumcision cost? In our article, you can find information about circumcision and its price.

Circumcision is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in our country and the world today. Circumcision is a religious necessity and also provides many health benefits.

Circumcision operations are preferred more frequently by doctors and families in newborn children, as the wound heals more quickly compared to children of other ages, and the negative traumatic process resulting from circumcision will not be remembered by this newborn group.

Are Circumcision Operations Performed in State Hospitals?

There is no common opinion regarding the ideal age for circumcision. For this reason, although there is uncertainty about the age of circumcision, circumcision between the ages of 2 and 6 has positive and negative effects. The most appropriate method is for the doctor and the family to decide the age of circumcision based on the child’s condition.

Families who want to have their children circumcised are free to have their children circumcised at a public or private hospital. Circumcision expenses will be more affordable for people who are affiliated with SSK, Bağ-Kur and retirement funds in public hospitals.

How Much Does Circumcision Operation Cost in Private Hospitals?

Prices may vary in private hospitals. Nowadays, it is not preferred for circumcision to be performed by circumcisers coming to the house as it was in the past.

Having the circumcision operation performed in a private hospital brings with it some advantages. Many families want their children to be circumcised in the healthiest environment and put the price issue in the background.

If we talk about the advantages provided in private hospitals, we can list a more comfortable hospital environment, the chance to have a circumcision operation on the day you want, special service for you and a healthier hospital environment.

Private hospitals are generally seen as more advantageous as they have more facilities than other healthcare institutions. The biggest advantages in this field are the ability to provide better hygienic conditions in the hospital environment and the presence of experienced experts in the field.

Circumcision operations must be performed by expert surgeons in order to prevent the circumcised area from becoming infected or causing other problems in the future as a result of incorrect intervention.

Otherwise, it is possible to face another surgical operation in the future as a result of deformations caused by circumcision. In order to prevent these possibilities, this procedure must be performed by a specialist surgeon.

How much are circumcision prices in Izmir?

Let’s talk about the cost of circumcision, which is one of the topics that families are most curious about. First of all, it is important to know that circumcision can be performed in private or public hospitals.

As with every operation, of course, operations performed in public hospitals will be more affordable in terms of price, but they may bring some disadvantages. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the time when your child will be circumcised according to your wishes in public hospitals.

For this reason alone, it would be quite logical to have this operation performed in a private hospital or clinic, if possible.

One suggestion we can give you is the three-month summer period, when schools are on holiday, when you can optimize circumcision. During these holiday periods, private hospitals offer good campaigns and discount circumcision services to more affordable prices.

In light of all this, of course, it would be wrong to give a clear answer to the question of how much circumcision prices are in Izmir. The best way to get information on this subject is to contact health institutions or doctors.

You can find out the circumcision price that best suits your budget by contacting different health institutions and doctors. Of course, in addition to the price, we would recommend that you have your child circumcised by a reliable doctor who is recommended by everyone.

